Author Archives: Admin4

Contingency fees far from a money grab by personal injury lawyers

An Ontario private members’ bill that suggests capping contingency fees for personal injury lawyers would only further hurt injured plaintiffs, says Toronto lawyer Kevin Marshall.

The bill, from former Progressive Conservative leader Tim Hudak, proposes a 33 per cent cap on damages paid to lawyers or paralegals in a successful claim.

Making chronic pain believable

In over 10 years of providing expert medical testimony in chronic pain cases and speaking to counsel, I’ve learned that the perceived believability of the plaintiff’s pain condition is the most important factor in settling a file or gaining the confidence of the court.

ONIWG: WSIB gives corporations millions while doctors, injured workers outraged

TORONTO, ON–(Marketwired – October 31, 2016) – Despite growing public attention surrounding the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board’s (WSIB) treatment of workers who get injured on the job, the WSIB announced Friday that they will further reduce employers’ premium rates that fund the system.

Ontario pilot project puts universal basic income to the test

The Canadian province of Ontario is pushing forward with plans for a trial run of universal basic income, making it the first government in North America in decades to test out a policy touted as a panacea to poverty, bloated bureaucracy and the rise of precarious work.

Has the WSIB let you down? – podcast of today’s story so much like MVA experience

LAT hearings held in writing ‘fundamental denial of justice’

“These people are not being given the opportunity to come before the tribunal and have their credibility assessed, have their doctors testify and have their lawyers cross-examine the insurance company’s doctors,” Singer tells “Instead, it’s all done in writing.

Understanding TBI: Part 4 – The Impact of a Recent TBI on Family Members and What They Can Do To Help With Recovery

For most family members, life is not the same after TBI. We want you to know that you are not alone in what you are feeling. While everyone’s situation is a bit different, there are some common problems that many family members experience such as less time for yourself, financial difficulties, role changes of family members, problems with communication, and lack of support from other family members and friends.

Professional Warned About Use of Foreign Language in Presence of Patients

A recent case provides a warning to health care professionals to be mindful of the inappropriateness of speaking in front of patients in a language that he or she may not understand. Even if what the health care professional is saying is innocent and inconsequential, the patient may not know that. Patient perception is key.

The persistence of poverty in Ontario

Total benefit income for those who depend on Ontario Works (OW) and the Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP) locks nearly 895,000 Ontarians into deep poverty, according to Ontario’s Social Assistance Poverty Gap (PDF), a May 2016 report authored by Kaylie Tiessen, an economist with the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives (CCPA).

SAMS software snafu slowing Ottawa welfare audit followup

SAMS, the buggy software for welfare case management, might not be fully fixed until December 2017, Ottawa city councillors heard Thursday.