Author Archives: Admin4

Use of digital channels increasing, but technology can’t fully replace human connections during auto claims process: J.D. Power U.S. study

Millenials’ customer satisfaction with the auto insurance process in the United States, while still the lowest among all generations, is improving and carrying the rest of the industry with it, according to the J.D. Power 2016 U.S. Auto Claims Satisfaction Study.

WSIB’s ‘devastating’ compensation policy all about board’s bottom line, lawyers charge

Toronto lawyer Richard Fink launched a multimillion-dollar class-action lawsuit in 2014 against WSIB on behalf of injured workers who had their benefits cut due to pre-existing conditions.
An Ontario judge dismissed the case in July 2015, but Fink appealed. The case was heard Sept. 16 and he and his clients await the decision.

Auto insurance rates up again

According to a recent report from the Financial Services Commission of Ontario (FSCO), rates went up by an average of 1.5 per cent in the third quarter, which follows an average increase of 0.33 per cent the quarter before.

Hundreds of pedestrian, cyclist deaths were preventable, road safety group says

The high number of road deaths on Toronto streets this year has prompted a group of grieving relatives to start up a campaign that will aim to improve traffic safety.

The advocacy group, called Friends and Families for Safe Streets (FFSS), announced their initiative Tuesday morning at outside city hall while telling reporters stories of how their loved ones have died.

Adjudicators Still Grappling with Rating System

In Allen and Security National, Appeal P15-00018 (which is available for review here) Director’s Delegate Lawrence Blackman answered a critical question arising in the complicated world of catastrophic impairment calculations when determining whether a claimant has suffered a whole person impairment of 55% or more:  How do you rate overlapping impairments?

Judge Denies Defence Counsel’s late Request to cross-examine Witnesses and introduce Video Evidence

Jacqueline Vickers was struck from behind by the side mirror of a car that was attempting to overtake her, while she was riding her bicycle at the side of a road. Ms. Vickers asserted that as a result of the impact, she fell and struck her head, and was later diagnosed with a compression fracture of her T-11 vertebra.  In Vickers v. Palacious, she sued the defendant driver, Ferrando Palacious, alleging that her injury precluded her from pursuing her career as a pastry chef and she is debilitated by chronic pain.

“Sorry, We Don’t Cover That” – Exclusion Clauses in Long Term Disability Policies

“Sorry, you’re not covered”. “Wait. How come?” “If you look at your policy, there is a list of exclusion clauses and unfortunately, you fell into one of the categories”. “Exclusion what?”

More tips on Completing the newly revised OCF-18 Treatment Plan Form (Accident Benefits Ontario)

The most important form to get treatment (physio, chrio, massage, occupational therapy, counselling, speech language etc.) after a car accident in Ontario is called the OCF-18 Treatment Plan.

This is a magical form. If the OCF-18 Treatment Plan is completed properly; then your treatment will be approved and paid for by the car insurance company.

Man illegally in Canada denied help from victims’ fund after hit-and-run

Jarley Silva still bears the scars – including 23 screws in his shattered leg – from a hit-and-run accident suffered on a Toronto street five years ago.

But he also bears much fresher wounds – the pain of being denied compensation from a public victims fund and the shame of being booted out of the country.

Chronic pain: do patients get the care and treatment they deserve?

A long wait is not unusual for those in pain. While wait times to see a pain specialist are difficult to track and vary widely, a telephone survey conducted by the Canadian Pain Coalition for their 2014 “Painful Truth Report” found that chronic pain sufferers waited, on average, nearly 18 months to see a specialist. Anecdotally, physicians and patients said wait times to see a pain specialist could be anywhere from nine months to a year but could reach as high as five years.