Author Archives: Admin4

WSIB slashes injured Pakenham paramedic’s compensation

Dan O’Connor sits in his living room in Pakenham, Ont., trying to find the words to describe the excruciating pain that racks his body.

He hardly needs to. His agony is plain to see.

O’Connor, 54, winces as he shifts his weight in the chair, trying in vain to find a comfortable position. The pain makes it difficult to sit for more than 15 minutes at a time, even with his legs elevated.

Never Be Ashamed of a Scar: 4 Lessons on Self-Acceptance & Resilience

“It’s such an ugly scar, I really don’t want anyone to see it.” This is what I told my daughter about a scar on my leg from an accident I’d experienced a year earlier.

I can remember the day so clearly when I slipped and fell, while skating, breaking my ankle and tearing a ligament. It was a painful experience with a long recovery. But I also felt embarrassed because I got injured during such a simple and fun activity.

Let’s Talk About Sex …. After Brain Injury

As someone who had a fairly healthy sex drive before falling on the ice and suffering a traumatic brain injury (TBI), I was confused as to what was going on with my libido.

It’s a story I hear far too often among TBI survivors — they want to be intimate with their partner, yet just don’t have the bandwidth to even consider it. The partner feels neglected and/or frustrated, and the survivor feels helpless and misunderstood. This cycle can continue for years, and I felt it was time to speak out on a topic that affects 2.5 million Americans each year, yet is rarely talked about: Sex After Brain Injury.

Ontario report touting basic income likely to target middle-aged women, disabled adults for most help

A new pilot project from Ontario Premier Kathleen Wynne could guarantee working-age Ontario adults annual incomes of $22,000 by April 2017. The program, known as basic income, could come without work, education or health eligibility requirements.


Tip: The Canadian government has created a Benefits Finder that allows you to fill in your details and it will spit out which benefits could apply to you. It includes provincial programs as well, which makes it much more useful.

Grants and Financial Incentives

Select your province to see what grants, financial incentives or programs are available.

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Purpose in trauma: My victory over my traumatic brain injury

It was eight months after my car accident; I was sitting on my bed, staring at the sky blue walls of my bedroom.

I knew nothing else but these three things: I was still suffering with a traumatic brain injury, I was without friends and I desperately and selfishly wanted to die.

Ontario’s Liberal Government Must Stop Attacking Official Watchdogs

Ontario’s Liberal government’s deeply ingrained struggles with honesty and transparency continue to taint their governing legacy.

That struggle is most pronounced in the Liberal’s ongoing war with Ontario’s Independent Officers of the Legislature, who are tasked with holding government and provincial agencies accountable.

Trump took $17 million for hurricane damage that staff, officials do not recall

PALM BEACH, FLA.—Donald Trump said he received a $17 million (US) insurance payment in 2005 for hurricane damage to Mar-a-Lago, his private club in Palm Beach, but there is little evidence of such large-scale damage.