Author Archives: Admin4

Court Ordered Defence Medicals

n the recently reported case of Daggitt v. Campbell[i], the Court reviews the requirements for a Court ordered defence medical pursuant to Section 105 of the Courts of Justice Act and Rule 33 of the Rules of Civil Procedure.  In this motion, heard in April of 2016, with the case scheduled for Trial in September, defence counsel sought to have a third defence medical conducted by a psychiatrist.  The Plaintiff had already undergone defence medicals by a physiatrist and an orthopedic surgeon.  The Plaintiff did not have a psychiatric expert report, but Plaintiff counsel did intend to rely, at Trial, upon the evidence of a psychologist who prepared a report for the accident benefit insurer and a neuropsychologist who treated the Plaintiff flowing from the accident benefits assessment.

Doctors worry about patient privacy as they speculate on government plans for eHealth

The province’s doctors are expressing “grave concerns” about the Liberal government’s plans for eHealth Ontario.

In the wake of Health Minister Eric Hoskins’ decision to ask Premier Kathleen Wynne’s privatization guru, Ed Clark, to appraise the monetary value of the electronic health records agency, the Ontario Medical Association is sounding the alarm over patient privacy.


CEO of nurses’ association denounces LHSC for sending letter about public meeting it’s hosting Friday

“(This) is a blatant attempt to intimidate (the Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario) into staying silent on matters of interest to our members and the public. We recognize it as a bullying tactic and we will not be influenced by it in any way, shape or form,” Doris Grinspun, chief executive of the nurses’ association, wrote Thursday to Murray Glendining, chief executive of London Health Sciences Centre, and hospital board chair Tom Gergely. The Free Pressobtained the letter.

Corrections to yesterday’s CBC story

An earlier version of this story incorrectly said Adam Bari’s injuries were to his left arm and leg. It is been amended to say the injuries were to his right arm and leg. Oct 11, 2016 3:09 PM ET

An earlier version of this story incorrectly named the family’s insurer as Impact. In fact, it is Intact Insurance. Oct 11, 2016 1:40 PM ET

An earlier version of this story said incorrectly that with the Glasgow Coma Scale, one is the most severe result. In fact, because there are three sections to the scale, and the results are added together, the lowest possible result is three — three ones added together, which is what Adam Bari scored. Oct 11, 2016 12:15 PM ET

If He Crashed 12 Hours Earlier, He Wouldn’t Face Bankruptcy

Newser) – They say timing is everything. That seems to be distinctly, horribly true in the case of Adam Bari. The 34-year-old Canadian man was riding his motorcycle June 1 when he was T-boned by a car, CBC reports. Bari’s family is now facing the possibility of bankruptcy, but that wouldn’t be if the crash had happened just 12 hours earlier.

For Adam and his family

Adam as most of us know was in a terrible motorcycle accident this past week. He has been in critical care and has endured multiple injuries to his body. His recovery is going to be extensive with several surgeries in his future.

Man facing bankruptcy after insurance rule changes same day as crash – video

An insurance company’s internal ombudsman office is not a “formal dispute resolution process” under PIPEDA

The complainant alleged that an insurance company refused to provide her with access to her personal information.

The complainant was involved in a dispute over the company’s assessment of her insurance claim, which resulted in her filing a complaint with the company’s ombudsman, who later advised that her dispute could not be resolved.

6 reasons why you should participate in the national security consultation

The government is listening to Canadians. Now, that statement has a completely different meaning. The federal government is engaging in wide-ranging public consultations, seeking input from Canadians about how to amend our national security framework and Bill C-51 (the Anti-terrorism Act, 2015). They have released a National Security Green Paper and Background Document for comment, posted a series of online questions covering ten focus areas, and committed to hosting town halls across the country.

The Supreme Court of Canada Disagrees with Medical Experts in BC (Workers’ Compensation Appeal Tribunal) v Fraser Health Authority

When is it correct for a court to disagree with scientific experts? This is precisely the issue raised in the recent Supreme Court of Canada (“SCC”) case British Columbia (Workers’ Compensation Appeal Tribunal) v Fraser Health Authority,2016 SCC 25 [Fraser Health Authority].