Author Archives: Admin4

Never heard of a basic income guarantee? You might want to read this

A national basic income guarantee would be the best way to ensure millions of Canadians are able to properly feed their families, says a University of Toronto professor.

Federico and State Farm [+] Arbitration, 2016-10-03, Reg 403/96. Final Decision FSCO 5020


I agree with State Farm’s submission that being wrong is different than being unreasonable, and I find that the factual basis of this case is distinguishable from the cases cited to me where a special award was made.  My conclusion to deny a special award is consistent with the circumstances dealt with by Arbitrator Makepeace in the J.W. and Canadian General Insurance Group case and the D.M. case, cited aboveTherefore, I dismiss the claim by the Applicant for a special award.

Auto insurance rule change costs injured man millions in rehab support

An auto insurance rule change that took effect the day an Ontario man suffered severe injuries in a crash has left his family on the verge of bankruptcy as he goes through an expensive and drawn-out rehabilitation process.

Ontario Morning Podcast – bankruptcy looming after auto insurance rule changes (at 19:32 min)

Ontario Morning from CBC Radio | Ontario Morning Podcast – Tuesday October 11, 2016

Coalition Warns Health Minister: Privatization of Ontario’s Health Systems for Patient Records and Information Will Incite Massive Public Opposition

TORONTO, ONTARIO — (Marketwired) — 10/07/16 — This afternoon, the Wynne government has made public a formal invitation from the Health Minister to Ed Clark to “assess and validate the value these (health data, e-health records and related intellectual property and infrastructure) systems have created for Ontario and to recommend ways to take them to the next level”.

Aviva v. McKeown, 2016 ONSC 6017, September 26, 2016 – Sufficiency of reasons for an EUO: Is it better to give than it is to receive?

A test application was brought before the court on the issue of “whether a justification is required” to compel a person (in this case, six claimants from five accidents, all represented by the same counsel) to attend an Examination under Oath pursuant to s. 33(2) of the SABS. The insurer also sought to compel the attendance of the claimants. The core of the issue was s. 33(4) requiring that insurers give advance notice including “a reason or reasons” for the examination.

Shop Insurance Canada Explains Why Cars Driven by Spouse’s are Now Uninsured

( October 8, 2016 – A case held in the Ontario Superior Court of Justice has sent ripples through the auto insurance industry and potentially set an interesting precedent. The ruling says that vehicles taken without consent are classed as “uninsured” even if the owner has insurance. Shop Insurance Canada explains what this could mean for the auto insurance industry.

Drug-impaired driving law presents some challenges

New law in Ontario will mean administrative licence suspensions for those charged with driving while impaired by drugs. Previous to this, administrative suspensions only followed when an individual was charged with refusing to provide samples or providing a breath sample in excess of the legal limit of alcohol.

Supreme Court of Canada hears appeal over Nova Scotia auto family protection endorsement

The Supreme Court of Canada heard Wednesday an appeal from a Nova Scotia auto accident victim whose future Canada Pension Plan disability payments were ordered deducted from the amount payable under his family protection endorsement.

Ontario Liberals want privatization guru to assess cash value of eHealth

The cash-strapped provincial government wants to cash in on the patient data collected by eHealth Ontario without compromising privacy or privatizing record-keeping.