Author Archives: Admin4

Fund to prevent homelessness stacked against kids, disabled, advocates say

Toronto single mother Laura Bardeau, who is disabled and struggles to raise two boys on social assistance, lost all her furniture to bedbugs last April.

Headaches After Head Injuries — Post-Traumatic Headaches

Headache immediately following a head injury usually clears after minutes or days but sometimes headaches may persist for months or rarely years. The long-term headaches are called post-traumatic or post-concussion headaches.

Dhawan v Arnold, 2016 ONSC 6304 (CanLII)

[9]               When all is considered it seems to me that this is a case where either plaintiff’s counsel legitimately believed that liability was not an issue which would justify the granting of leave for discoveries by application of the more stringent test set out in Hill, or, counsel inadvertently passed the trial record when he ought to have known that liability was still an issue. I believe the latter scenario is the more likely one.

[10]           On the facts of this case, I would apply the suggested approach set out in the BNL case. I prefer the approach suggested by Master Muir in the BNLdecision at paragraph 14, over the approach put forward in Hill.

[11]           The simple truth is this would be a straightforward discovery, they could take place in less than two hours or by written interrogatory. The trial will not be delayed as a result of granting leave. The order will stipulate that the discovery and accompanying undertakings will have to be completed within a 120 day window following the release of this endorsement. This negates the principal reason for rule 48.04 which is to “ensure that matters are not set down until they are ready for trial. This practice avoids delays and the loss of valuable trial time” as per BNL. This trial scheduled for May 29, 2017 will not be lost by granting leave, nor will the defendant be prejudiced in any manner.

Our experience reporting accident benefit/auto fraud to the FSCO Fraud Tip Line

When you wish to report a fraud, there is a Fraud Hotline, 1-855-5TIP-NOW or 1-855-584-7669. There is also an online form you can complete on the FSCO website. Accident Benefit and Car Accident Fraud has been made to be a big deal with all of the huffing and puffing which insurers do about this “epidemic“. You would think that reporting a fraud would be simple, and that the fraud team at FSCO would know what they’re dealing with, and get right on it seeing as it’s such a big deal.

Revised Auto Insurance Claim Forms: OCF-18, OCF-21 and OCF-23

The Financial Services Commission of Ontario (FSCO) has updated the consent language of the OCF-18 – Treatment and Assessment Plan, OCF-21 – Auto Insurance Standard Invoice and the OCF-23 – Treatment Confirmation Form, relating to the collection, use and disclosure of information captured by these forms for the purposes of data analytics to detect fraud.

Experts should not bow to pressure of ‘deep pockets’

A recent Ontario Superior Court of Justice decision that highlighted questions around bias of medical experts illustrates the duty of experts to serve the court rather than plaintiffs or insurance companies, says Toronto personal injury lawyer Simmy Yu.

Personal injury money train off the rails

Lawsuits from minor motor vehicle accidents (MVA) have spawned a multimillion-dollar industry that has spiralled out of control, says Toronto orthopedic spine and trauma surgeon Dr. Michael Ford.

Coalition Warns Health Minister: Privatization of Ontario’s Health Systems for Patient Records and Information Will Incite Massive Public Opposition

Toronto –This afternoon, the Wynne government has made public a formal invitation from the Health Minister to Ed Clark to “assess and validate the value these [health data, e-health records and related intellectual property and infrastructure] systems have created for Ontario and to recommend ways to take them to the next level”.

LETTER OF THE LAW: Is the goverment stealing from assault victims?

Currently in Ontario, if an injured person is receiving social assistance through Ontario Works, the person is only allowed to keep $25,000 of their total court awarded compensation for pain and suffering.
Toronto –This afternoon, the Wynne government has made public a formal invitation from the Health Minister to Ed Clark to “assess and validate the value these [health data, e-health records and related intellectual property and infrastructure] systems have created for Ontario and to recommend ways to take them to the next level”.

Denley: MRI woes in Ontario hospitals

The province says that 90 per cent of people requiring a “non-urgent” MRI should get the test within 28 days. This spring, the Champlain LHIN said that it took up to 132 days to achieve the 90 per cent service target. A temporary cash injection by the LHIN created a modest improvement over the summer, but people are still waiting far longer than they should.