Author Archives: Admin4

Basic income, no silver bullet against poverty, report says

Scrapping Canada’s patchwork of income support programs and replacing them with a single “basic income” with no strings attached, would make poverty worse for everyone, says a new report.

$110,000 Non-Pecuniary Assessment for Concussion and Chronic Low Back Pain

In today’s case (Purewal v. Li) the Plaintiff was involved in a 2012 intersection collision.  The court found the Defendant fully responsible for the crash.  The Plaintiff suffered a concussion, chronic headaches, chronic low back pain and aggravation of some pre-existing injuries.  The collision resulted in substantial time away from work along with lingering injuries at the time of trial.

Hamilton MPP Presents Bill 6

Yet, there are 900,000 Ontarians and 50,000 Hamiltonians who rely on social assistance and are unable afford an adequate standard of living because the rates do not reflect the actual cost of housing, food, clothing and other essentials.

Brain Benefits of Exercise Diminish After Short Rest

Before you skip another workout, you might think about your brain. A provocative new study finds that some of the benefits of exercise for brain health may evaporate if we take to the couch and stop being active, even just for a week or so.

Living With Brain Injury

To understand what happens when the brain is injured, it is important to realize what a healthy brain is made of and what it does. The brain is enclosed inside the skull. The skull acts as a protective covering for the soft brain. The brain is made of neurons (nerve cells). The neurons form tracts that route throughout the brain. These nerve tracts carry messages to various parts of the brain. The brain uses these messages to perform functions. The functions include coordinating our body systems, such as breathing, heart rate, body temperature, and metabolism; thought processing; body movements; personality; behavior; and the senses, such as vision, hearing, taste, smell, and touch.

J.B. v L.M., 2016 CanLII 18350 (ON HPARB)

It is the decision of the Health Professions Appeal and Review Board to confirm the decision of the Inquiries, Complaints and Reports Committee of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario to advise L.M. MD to act within the terms, conditions and restrictions on his medical licence, and if in doubt to confirm with the College whether a particular activity, (in this case an independent medical examination) is within those terms, conditions and restrictions.


  1. 2.                This decision arises from a request made to the Health Professions Appeal and Review Board (the Board) byB.(the Applicant) to review a decision of the Inquiries, Complaints and Reports Committee (the Committee) of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario (the College). The decision concerned a complaint regarding the conduct and actions of L.M. MD (the Respondent). The Committee investigated the complaint and decided to advise the Respondent as indicated above.


A.S. v S.D., 2016 CanLII 50801 (ON HPARB)

  1. 3.                On April 9, 2010, the Applicant was involved in a motor vehicle collision (MVA). Subsequent to his accident, the Applicant has been treated andassessedby numerous medical professionals.
  2. 4.                The Respondent is a psychiatrist. On March 15, 2012, he performed an independent medicalexamination (IME) of the Applicant, arranged by Seiden Health Management on behalf of Unica Insurance.


  1. 5.                It is that assessment, and the Respondent’s IME report that formed the basis for the Applicant’s complaint.


In its decision, the Committee indicated its satisfaction that the Respondent’s assessment and report were in keeping with the College’s policy onThird Party Reports. It expressed its view that the Respondent “provided a thorough independent opinion that included a comprehensive history, a mental status examination, references to expert opinions by other examining specialists, and a medical opinion based upon his findings.”


  1. 23.            Although the Committee found that the Respondent prepared a reasonable report, it went on to note that the Respondent’s choice of words in some instances could be perceived as somewhat “adversarial and/or lacking in objectivity”. Observing that the Respondent had been the subject of a number of previous complaints of a similar nature, the Committee  encouraged him to reflect on the tone of his writing, to ensure that third party reports of this nature will be written in a neutral and objective manner.
  2. 24.            Regarding the Applicant’s concern with the Respondent’s professionalism, the Committee noted the divergent accounts of the parties, and indicated that as it was unable to determine with certainty what happened during the assessment, it was unable to conclude whether the Respondent was in any way inappropriate in his manner, and hence determined the appropriate disposition was to take no action on this aspect of the complaint.

Complications when claiming Accident Benefits for a Minor

On October 9, 2008, Tate Moran was injured in a motor vehicle accident. At the time of the accident, Ms. Moran was only 13 years old and as a result, her mother assisted her in filling out an Application for Accident Benefits (OCF-1) and Activities of Normal Life Form (OCF-12). Both forms were submitted to Economical Mutual Insurance Company on  November 12, 2008, as well as a Disability Certificate (OCF-3) indicating that Ms. Moran did not suffer a complete inability to carry on the activities of her normal life.

Families feel betrayed by insurance companies after flood

Like hundreds of other households trying to pick up the pieces after Thrusday’s flood, Furlan felt his insurance company was leaving him high and dry.

“They told me I get $5,000,” he explained, calling it a rip off. “That isn’t going to cover anything. It was $10,000 before and now, suddenly, they say Tecumseh gets too many floods.”

Injury claim by illegal immigrant denied: court

The Court of Appeal has ruled an illegal immigrant could not collect a personal injury claim from a provincial insurance fund after he was hit by an unidentified driver while crossing the street in 2011 because “he was not ordinarily resident in Ontario” at the time.