Author Archives: Admin4

The doctor will see you now — via video from Ontario

During the visit on Wednesday, Plewes was assessed by a licensed practical nurse, had her vital signs taken and recorded, and then met online with the company’s chief medical director, Dr. Chad Burkhart, based in Southampton, Ont.

Backlog of applications for veterans benefits still greater than 11,500

Veterans Affairs benefits logjam ‘makes my argument’ for reform, says military ombudsman

“I think it’s patently cruel to force veterans to have to prove over and over again to Veterans Affairs medical doctors something they have proven to Canadian Forces medical doctors,” he said.

Three-day roadside suspensions for drug-impaired Ontario drivers start Oct. 2

Starting Oct. 2, drivers under the influence of drugs will face “an immediate licence suspension of three days for the first occurrence, seven days for the second occurrence and 30 days for the third and subsequent occurrences upon failure of a roadside sobriety test,” the province’s transportation ministry stated Wednesday in a release.

Drug-impaired driving law lacks oversight, review

“The relevant law in this matter is s. 48.0.1 of the Highway Traffic Act. It was passed some time ago but comes into force this Sunday, Oct. 2,” he tells “Challenging these administrative suspensions are almost impossible even though the testing is often problematic. This is especially worrisome given the highly subjective nature of the tests referred to in the Criminal Code, namely the walk and turn, one leg stand and horizontal gaze nystagmus (HGN) tests.”–baker-drug-impaired-driving-law-lacks-oversight-review.html

Illegal immigrants not entitled to injury compensation from public funds: Ontario court

TORONTO — Illegal immigrants are not entitled to compensation from public funds for a motor vehicle accident, says Ontario’s court of appeal, which has rejected a hard-fought claim from a Brazilian man hurt in a hit-and-run when walking across a Toronto street.

Do you need non-owner car insurance?

For some people, owning a car just isn’t necessary. Depending on where you live you could be just fine taking public transit, walking, biking, or carpooling. But every so often you may need to take longer independent trips. Other times, you might take a turn driving someone else’s car for them if they need help. If you borrow or rent a car, you need to make sure you’re covered.

Parenting after Traumatic Events: Ways to Support Children

One of the most important messages for parents about traumatic experiences—such as car accidents, medical trauma, exposure to violence, disasters—that may impact them and their children is that while children of all ages can be impacted, most are resilient and able to cope and recover.

Bill to establish welfare rates based on cost of living introduced

“Over nine hundred thousand people in this province rely on Ontario Works or ODSP, but more than half of these families do not have enough to eat,” Miller said. “Children are going to school hungry. It has become impossible for the poorest people in this province to make ends meet.”

Maria-Antony et al v.Kuris et al., 2016 ONSC 6118 (CanLII)


[4]               This action was commenced in 2003 in Newmarket as a result of two motor vehicle accidents that occurred in 2000 and 2001 in which the plaintiff claims to have sustained serious and permanent injuries as a result of each accident.  The action was transferred to Toronto in 2012.

[5]               The plaintiffs set this action down for trial on November 26, 2013.  The action was scheduled for a pre-trial conference on October 28, 2016 and a jury trial commencing on January 16, 2017 for 25 days. (I learned yesterday from Justice Wilson’s endorsement that there is a companion action which is also scheduled for trial at the same time as this action.)

RBC v Field, 2016 ONSC 5584 (CanLII)

[136]                 I conclude that RBC is entitled to recover those accident benefits wrongfully paid as a result of Ms. Field’s fraudulent conduct to recover damages for civil fraud for her wilful misrepresentations.  In view of the fact that section 233 (2) states subsection (1), including the wilful making of a false statement by an insured in respect of a claim does not invalidate the payment of accident benefits under SABS, I conclude as an alternate basis for recovery that RBC is entitled to the repayment of those accident benefits that Ms. Field was not entitled to claim under section 30(1) under section 47.  In respect of applying section 47as a remedy, I do not consider that Ms. Field is entitled to the provisions of subsection 47 (3) to receive notice or to repay the accident benefits in gradual increments under subsections 47 (2)(b) or (5) by extension.  In my view, those provisions do not apply in this case by virtue of section 47 (4) because the benefits here were procured through Ms. Field’s wilful misrepresentation or fraud.