Author Archives: Admin4

Private medicine, public good

Is there any role for increased private health care in Canada?

In Vancouver, Dr. Brian Day, an orthopedic surgeon and former president of the Canadian Medical Association, has launched his long-awaited court challenge of the Canada Health Act.

Human neuron transplants treat spinal cord injury in mice

Chronic pain and loss of bladder control are among the most devastating consequences of spinal cord injury, rated by many patients as a higher priority for treatment than paralysis or numbness. Now a UC San Francisco team has transplanted immature human neurons into mice with spinal cord injuries, and shown that the cells successfully wire up with the damaged spinal cord to improve bladder control and reduce pain. This is a key step towards developing cell therapies for spinal cord injury in humans, say the researchers, who are currently working to develop the technique for future clinical trials.

Stimulating Neurons Could Protect Against Brain Damage

A breakthrough in understanding how brain damage spreads – and how it could potentially be limited – has been made through a collaboration between neuroscientists and engineers at the Universities of Dundee and Strathclyde.

Don’t let essential reform on assistance disappear

Bill 6 is a private member’s bill with the goal of establishing social assistance rates that fit with the cost of living in different Ontario communities. People who depend on Ontario Works or the Ontario Disability Support Program have been losing their buying power since 1995, when the Ontario government cut payments by 21.6 per cent for all recipients.

‘Transformative’ steps needed to address poverty

It may not surprise anyone to learn that the root cause of poverty is a lack of income. However, there is a movement that has been gaining steam in Canada that could help change this.–transformative-steps-needed-to-address-poverty/

37055 RBC General Insurance Company v. Zofia Machaj

37005 Wei Chen v. Howie, Sacks & Henry LLP, et al.

36867 Aviva Canada Inc. v. State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company

Where did they go? WSIB / ODSP Roundtable

The Dreaded “How Are You Doing?” Question After an Injury…Ways to Cope

Returning to work, school, leisure classes, or a social group can be very challenging when someone has spent a period of time as a ‘full-time patient’ or is engaging in lengthy rehabilitation.