Author Archives: Admin4

CBT May Help Break Vicious Cycle of Insomnia & Chronic Pain

Researchers from the University of Warwick Sleep and Pain Lab show in a new study that conditions like back pain, fibromyalgia, and arthritis are linked with negative thoughts about insomnia and pain — and this double whammy can be effectively managed by cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT).

Bad science misled millions with chronic fatigue syndrome. Here’s how we fought back

If your doctor diagnoses you with chronic fatigue syndrome, you’ll probably get two pieces of advice: Go to a psychotherapist and get some exercise. Your doctor might tell you that either of those treatments will give you a 60 percent chance of getting better and a 20 percent chance of recovering outright. After all, that’s what researchers concluded in a 2011 study published in the prestigious medical journal the Lancet, along with later analyses.

Can Brain ‘Pacemaker’ Improve Lives of Head Trauma Patients?

THURSDAY, Sept. 22, 2016 (HealthDay News) — Deep brain stimulation — a technique that sends targeted electrical impulses to certain areas of the brain — may help people who’ve had a traumatic brain injury gain more independence, a new study suggests.

IBC applauds Government of Ontario’s focus on delivering relief for consumers

“The government’s continued focus on auto insurance reforms builds on the progress already made and shows a strong commitment to helping Ontarians keep more of their hard-earned money for other household priorities,” said Don Forgeron, President and CEO, IBC. “Insurers look forward to continuing to work with Premier Wynne, her government, and all MPPs to best serve the consumers of this province while making their lives more affordable.”

Bill reeks of IBC influence

Hudak is now leaving politics and has never shown any interest or knowledge in the topic of auto accident victims or pi lawyers before – so why now that he is leaving? If he is pushing through the Protection for Motor Vehicle Accidents Bill to get the government to scrutinize personal injury lawyers, it is highly likely that the Insurance Bureau of Canada (IBC) is behind it.

Assess risks before heading to trial in personal injury cases

Robinson compares the trial experience to a jigsaw puzzle, where lawyers for both sides present “pieces” of evidence to support their clients’ statements — in the form of medical experts and witness accounts — and a judge decides the case based on how all those pieces fit together.

Finding and Effectively Using an Expert Witness

In the summer of 2016, author Simek had the pleasure of joining a Pennsylvania Bar Association panel comprised of both testifying experts and judges to explore how to find and effectively use a good expert.

LSUC should settle contingency contract confusion

A recent court ruling over the wording in a contingency fee contract between a lawyer and a client highlights a common issue and one the Law Society of Upper Canada should seek to rectify, says Toronto litigator Michael Lesage.

Threshold Motion and Chronic Pain: Arteaga v. Poirier, 2016 ONSC 3712

A recent case highlights the importance of having expert evidence a trials involving complaints of chronic pain. Justice DiTomaso concluded on the threshold motion that the Plaintiff, Ms. Eliana Arteaga, had sustained a permanent and serious impairment despite MRI reports showing no issues. Ms. Arteaga was injured as a result of a motor vehicle accident on March 15, 2011.  She was rear-ended by a dump truck travelling at approximately 60 kilometres per hour while stopped in traffic northbound on Highway 50 and Queen Street in Brampton.

$150,000 Non-Pecuniary Damage Assessment in Polytrauma Injury Case

In today’s case (Chappell v. Loyie) the Plaintiff was injured when his motorcycle was struck by the Defendants vehicle in an intersection collision.  He suffered numerous injuries, some of which resolved others which caused ongoing disability.  In assessing non-pecuniary damages at $150,000 Madam Justice Fisher provided the following reasons: