Author Archives: Admin4

Auto insurance rate shock possible in 2017 due to rising claims

According to newly released information from Canada’s General Insurance Statistical Agency (GISA), New Brunswick drivers generated $304.8 million in auto insurance claims costs in 2015, the most in 14 years and a 30 per cent increase since 2012.

Recent Report Shows Fraud War is Just Beginning Points Out Shop Insurance Canada

“Auto insurance fraud is rife within Canada’s most populated province and is thought to cost the insurance industry more than $2 billion per year. Despite various efforts, fraud remains rife, particularly in the Greater Toronto Area, and is a major contributor to Ontario’s highest auto insurance premiums in the country.”

Caught out on Facebook: Martial arts expert and Playboy model guilty of bogus insurance claims

A personal trainer and martial artist, and his partner, a Playboy model, were found to have made false insurance claims after their social media posts unravelled their accounts of injuries sustained from a car crash.

Expert evidence in a personal injury case

Personal injury, long-term disability and car accident cases across Ontario are built upon evidenceOur legal system doesn’t play out in such a way as a plaintiff makes a claim, yells a lot that they’re entitled to compensation, and then they get what they want. If courts worked that way, those with the loudest voices would always win. In order for your case to succeed, you need evidence.

Union to sue Ontario government over Hydro One sell-off

Ontario’s largest union is suing the government over the privatization of Hydro One, arguing the Liberals inappropriately mixed government business and party fundraising during the controversial sell-off.

Chief justices push for modernization of courts

“We know that the bar would like to increase the efficiency and ease with which you can file materials electronically and to improve the convenience with which you can make remote appearances,” said Strathy, who serves as the Chief Justice of the Court of Appeal.

Injured Workers Decry Secretive WSIB Annual General Meeting

An ongoing series of Toronto Star investigations has exposed some of WSIB’s practices that are pushing people into financial and emotional crisis. Last November, several psychologists came forward to call for the Ontario Ombudsman to investigate how the WSIB ignores the opinions of treating health care providers. And, in June, over 140 doctors, legal clinics, immigrant rights groups, labour organizations and community members signed an open letter calling for immediate changes at WSIB.

Does access to medical marijuana reduce opioid deaths?

In the United States, 25 states have legalized medical marijuana, including 19 that let patients with a prescription buy pot from dispensaries. Proponents argue that expanding the availability of medical marijuana reduces opioid abuse and overdose deaths because it gives people an alternative for pain relief.

‘Wait and see’ approach essential for pediatric brain injuries

The “wait and see” approach can be very difficult for families, particularly if they notice the children run into learning difficulties 10 years after an accident, she says. It’s also an issue requiring greater awareness among defence counsel, who often request more information, Burrison says.

Signs An Insurer Is Not Negotiating A Long Term Disability Claim in Good Faith

Things don’t always appear as they seem. When it comes to disability benefits claims, an insurer must look at the facts objectively and within context. Making assumptions or judgments could seriously interfere with the outcome and lead to a decision that not only puts the insurer at risk of further liability but also prevent the insured party’s ability to obtain appropriate monthly benefits, adequate treatment and ultimately improvement.