Author Archives: Admin4

Autonomous vehicles may reduce U.S. motor premiums by more than 40% by 2050: Aon Benfield

According to the study, if autonomous vehicle technology is adopted “at even a moderate pace,” U.S. motor pure premiums could decrease by 20% by the year 2035 compared to their 2015 levels – and potentially by more than 40% by the time they reach full adoption in 2050.

Brain Injury – How OT Gets People Thinking, Doing & Managing

Friday, September 30, 2016 12:00:00 PM EDT – 1:00:00 PM EDT

Entwistle Power Occupational Therapy is excited to launch our FREE Law Clerk Webinar Series where will aim to demystify the ever elusive practice of Occupational Therapy.

Occupational Therapy Video, “OT-V” series

Entwistle Power Occupational Therapy is now into its second season of its Occupational Therapy Video, “OT-V” series.  In these informative videos, experienced Occupational Therapists Julie Entwistle and Brenda Power Ahmad, provide solutions for living for a widespread audience.  Their series explores many important health related subjects including children’s health, senior’s health, rehabilitation, tips for living with disabilities and more.  Learn all about the many ways Occupational Therapy can provide you with solutions for living by watching the OT-V series.

Coverage down, premiums up

Wynne government continues to make life easier for auto insurers

After a 3.07% average decrease in approved rate filings in the first quarter of 2016, FSCO has reported a 0.33% average increase for the second quarter.

The Campisi Charter Challenge is underway

6 confusing car insurance terms and what they mean

Car insurance can be confusing. A cynical person might argue that insurance has been made excessively complicated in order to trick users into purchasing more insurance than they need or to stop them from making claims to which they’re entitled.

Preparing for Trial: The OT Expert

Rendering an expert opinion, being regarded as an expert, or even just having enough experience and expertise in your career to qualify for expert status is really a badge of honour.  Yet, that does not mean we jump up and down when called to trial.  Whether this is your first court appearance, or you are now an expert at being an expert, the process can still be nerve-wrecking for some and no, they don’t teach this stuff in OT school!

Ontario patients deserve better protection: Editorial

There’s a conspicuous and troubling gap in the Liberal government’s plan to protect Ontario patients from sexual abuse by doctors. Missing is the core recommendation of a task force on this issue calling for creation of a special Ontario Safety and Patient Protection Authority.

WSIB policy pushes hurt workers into ‘humiliating’ jobs and unemployment, critics say

According to Ontario’s Workplace Safety and Insurance Board, a swift return to work is the best way for injured workers to recover — and is part of the board’s “evidence-based approach” to helping accident victims.

Toronto doctor launches concussion hotline

A 24-hour telephone service that aims to educate people about concussions may start to fill a gap in what Canadians know about the prevalent and potentially serious condition, the hotline’s founder said Friday.