Author Archives: Admin4

Who’s to blame in a 50-car pileup? It’s complicated

Calgarians spend a significant portion of their lives whizzing around at a hundred kilometres an hour, encased by a thousand kilograms of steel.

We call it commuting.

Why Canadian Psychology Month Matters

Mental illness is one of the leading causes of disability. It is important to bring more awareness to foster
greater understanding, so everyone recognizes that impact it has on a person’s ability to function.

Personal Support Worker During Recovery

While you are recovering from your collision, the need for outside support may become necessary. Fortunately, a personal support worker (PSW) can alleviate much of the workload placed on a family while providing healthcare services and peace of mind to loved ones.

Benefits of medical marijuana overstated: guideline

EDMONTON — A new medical guideline suggests family doctors should think twice before prescribing medical marijuana to their patients.

The Simplified Guideline for Prescribing Medical Cannabinoids in Primary Care, published Thursday in the medical journal Canadian Family Physician, says there is limited evidence to support the reported benefits of medical marijuana for many conditions.

Insurers’ “Hardball” Tactics Mean Good Legal Representation is Essential

The Toronto Sun newspaper recently reported on a case in which an auto insurer had used particularly aggressive tactics to defend a claim brought by a young woman who had endured catastrophic injuries during a rear-end vehicle collision when she was only 17 years old.


Change course on coverage? Be clear that’s it’s not a settlement.

If an insurer changes course midway through a claim — offering coverage, for example, when that coverage was previously denied — it will need to clarify that its change of position does not constitute an offer to settle before taking further steps to resolve the claim.


Eggplants, peaches and champagne: gleaning evidence from social media

It’s the Wild West as social media and digital technology intersect with the practice of law, and lawyers debated the impact of it all this week at the Ontario Bar Association’s annual Institute in Toronto.


Applicant Commences Action After Two-Year Limitation Period – ST v Economical LAT 16-003034

ST was injured in a car accident on September 12, 2008. She was hit while walking across an intersection. She was hospitalized and required surgery for her orthopaedic injuries. She sought benefits pursuant to the SABs from Economical.


How British Columbia will handle auto accident benefit disputes

A new dispute resolution system for auto insurance in British Columbia will probably focus both on first-party accident benefit disputes and resolving claims from minor injuries, but the details have yet to be worked out, a spokesperson for the province’s Ministry of the Attorney General said.


First blood test to help diagnose brain injuries gets U.S. approval

CHICAGO — The first blood test to help doctors diagnose traumatic brain injuries has won U.S. government approval.

The move means Banyan Biomarkers can commercialize its test, giving the company an early lead in the biotech industry’s race to find a way to diagnose concussions.