Author Archives: Admin4

“One of Those Rare Instances in Which the Left-Turning Servient Driver is not at Fault”

There is a mistaken belief by some that when a collision occurs at an intersection between a left turning motorist and a vehicle proceeding straight through the intersection that fault will rest with the turning vehicle.  This is often, but not always, the case.

How to complete the OCF-2 Employer’s Confirmation of Income Form (Ontario)

There are a lot of different OCF Claims forms to complete after you’ve been involved in a car accident in Ontario. In this “How to” series, the Toronto Personal Injury Lawyer Blog examines how to complete the OCF-2 Employer’s Confirmation of Income Form. In order to recover income replacement benefits, it’s necessary to have the OCF-2 form completed and submitted to the insurer as soon as possible following a car accident. Failure to have the OCF-2 Employer’s Confirmation of Income Form completed properly and in a timely manner may result in a denial or delay on the recovery of income replacement benefits.

Driving After Traumatic Brain Injury

Driving is an important part of a person’s independent lifestyle and integration into the community. Because we take our driving skills for granted, it is easy to forget that driving is the most dangerous thing we do in our everyday lives. A brain injury can affect the skills needed to drive safely. If and when an injured person may safely return to driving should be addressed early in recovery. The injured person, family members, and health professionals should all be included in this important decision. If anyone has concerns that that driving may put the injured person or others in danger, health professionals may recommend pre-driving testing.

Shop Insurance Canada: Ontario Drivers Pay More than UK Counterparts Despite 19% Increase

( September 7, 2016 – A recent survey in the United Kingdom has shown how consumers in the country are now paying 19% more on average for their car insurance premiums. However, that massive hike still places the UK below Ontario in terms of the average cost of insuring a vehicle. Shop Insurance Canada says this is startling evidence that the Ontarian government still has a lot of work to do.

What Does Your Car Know About You?

Our cell phones know everything about us. Who we talk to. Who we Google. Who we email. Who we date. Who we text. When we wake up. Where we go. When we go online. What photos we take. And so on.

Summary trials ideal for speeding along smaller claims

Toronto personal injury lawyer Sharon Bauer isn’t sure why more lawyers aren’t taking advantage of summary trials to get their clients through the court room doors faster and reduce their clients’ risk of costs consequences.

How to really communicate with clients and avoid malpractice claims

It seems so simple and yet a primary reason for a client to proceed with a malpractice claim against his or her lawyer is the failure of that lawyer to communicate effectively. To successfully step into the lawyer-client relationship in a malpractice – or any – claim, one needs to understand certain underlying concepts about how communication functions most effectively.

Putting Patients and Caregivers First

As part of the Ontario government’s commitment to put patients first, we are consulting with patients and caregivers to inform the future of home and community care. By completing a short survey, you can provide your input on a Statement of Values and help inform what the home and community care sector should strive to deliver.


Below are the email addresses and Twitter handles for all Ontario MPPs as of February 28, 2016, broken down by their political party, and then listed in alphabetical order for each party.

Statistical Information on ABI

It also takes into account the personal perspective of those who are caregivers. OBIA’s research study is also aimed at collecting data on the time of diagnosis, an injured person’s access to services and any gaps and/or barriers within the system. Ultimately, our goal is to provide relevant research data to better inform health care policy makers, Local Health Integrated Networks (LHINS), insurers and researchers who are examining ways in which people living with a brain injury can be better served.