Author Archives: Admin4

How Insurance Companies Determine Compensation – An Insider’s Perspective

Before starting Derek Wilson Personal Injury Law, I worked as defense for the insurance companies. I saw, first hand, exactly how insurance companies determine compensation and make their decisions. I also saw why some people received generous compensation while others with similar injuries received none.

The first thing to understand is how insurance companies report profit.

Court Finds It is an Abuse of Process For ICBC to File Inconsistent Pleadings From Single Collision

In today’s case (Glover v. Leakey) the Defendant was involved in a crash and injured two passengers.  One sued and fault was admitted and ultimately settlement reached.  The second sued but fault was denied.  In the midst of a jury trial the Plaintiff discovered the inconsistent pleadings and asked for a finding of liability.

Legal woes taking toll, report says

Everyday legal problems — from getting divorced, to fighting eviction notices, to disputing cell phone bills — cost Canadians about $7.7 billion a year.

The Dreaded “How Are You Doing?” Question After an Injury…Ways to Cope

The only people who NEED to know about your injury/diagnosis are people who have a direct effect on that injury/diagnosis. Often, this is your medical and rehabilitation team (e.g. Family doctor, Occupational Therapist, Psychologist, Physiotherapist, Naturopath, Chiropodist). If an insurance company, WSIB, and/or lawyer are involved you will be asked to also provide consent to these professionals that will be very involved with your care.

How people suffering from Invisible Disability are subject to wrong judgment and discrimination

When people hear the word ‘disability’, they typically create the image of a person in a wheelchair in their mind. However, what many people are unaware of is the fact that disability doesn’t have to visible. There are millions of disabled people around the world who show no signs of disability on the outside, because their disability is usually linked to their internal body system. This makes it very difficult for people with invisible disabilities to explain their situation to others and why they are entitle d to use disabled facilities as much as the visibly disabled.

OPSWA Complaints and discipline Process for OPSWA PSW Members.

As the role of the PSW has evolved over time, it has become apparent that there is a need for governance of the PSW regarding complaints from the public when there is professional misconduct. This ensures a level of trust between the PSW and the clients who are a part of the vulnerable sector. At present, there is no governing body that can monitor and enforce complaints or disciplines.  It has proven to be an ongoing problem with PSW’s and there have been several incidents of physical, financial and emotional/sexual abuse reported in the media.

Now Is The Time To Act On Hunger

Food banks across the province will be hosting their local MPPs at simultaneous food sort events on September 16 so that our representatives can see first-hand the important work being done by Ontario’s food banks. On September 21, we will be following this up with a Day of Action at Queen’s Park, where leaders from our food banks will meet with MPPs, Ministers and their staff to discuss how to take action on hunger. The OAFB has three primary recommendations for change.

$66-Million Federal Investment In Brain Disorder Research Largest Grant in Western’s History

Western will partner with researchers at McGill University, which also received CFREF funding, to further research into disorders such as Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, traumatic brain injury, and schizophrenia.

Law Society want input on advertising concerns

Tesla Creates Auto Insurance Solution for Autonomous Vehicles

Of course, this is a long predicted eventuality for the autonomous industry. It is widely accepted that the advent of driverless cars will remove insurance liability from motorists and on to manufacturers. As a consequence, it is unlikely that carmakers will relinquish total control to the insurance companies.