Author Archives: Admin4

Worker compensation board pledges to ‘enhance transparency’

As first reported by the Star, advocates claim the lack of transparency surrounding the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board’s Drug Advisory Committee (DAC) and its overall drug policies compromise the care of often-vulnerable accident victims. Although the DAC makes recommendations to the board about which prescriptions it should cover for tens of thousands of injured workers across the province, no minutes are taken at its meetings, possible conflicts of interest are not publicly reported, and its members were previously unknown.

Improvement underway at WSIB

The WSIB strives for integrity and excellence in our operations as we serve workers and employers in Ontario. We are committed to ensuring injured workers have the right medication, at the right time, for the right purpose. No injured worker should be denied medication necessary to treat a work-related injury or illness.

Higher driver fees go into effect in Ontario today

Drivers in Ontario should get ready to fork out a few more dollars to the provincial government to own a car or driver’s licence, because fees are going up.

Ban on fundraisers frees politicians from prostitution: Cohn

In the wake of a Toronto Star exposé last March detailing how top Liberal ministers faced annual targets of up to $500,000, Premier Kathleen Wynne had barred anyone in cabinet from scheduling any future fundraisers with direct stakeholders. And promised an end to donations from corporations and unions.

Six Ways Insurance Companies Try To Destroy Your Case

Insurance companies are not charities, and if you’re injured in a car accident or another way, the insurance company is always going to try to minimize your claim.

OPP combatting distracted driving: 38 deaths investigate this year

However, to really bring death rates down, other charges need to be implemented. A careless driving charge could be laid, or even a dangerous driving charge. Both of these are part of the Criminal Code of Canada. Making insurance implications harsher could also help, both the above charges can result in auto insurance premiums skyrocketing.

How does car insurance work with a lease?

Leasing a car isn’t exactly the same as owning a car and funding the purchase through financing. Some people think you don’t need to purchase car insurance when you have a lease, but that’s not the case. Even though you don’t own the car, you are still responsible for it’s well-being during the lease. You’re expected to bring it back to the dealership in the exact same condition as when you first drove it off the lot – with the addition of a few thousand kilometres, of course.

Civil Motions in the Superior Court of Justice: A Practical Guide

Some motions will be contested, some will be on consent, and for others no position will be taken by opposing counsel.  Motions address many issues: routine requests to amend pleadings, contested matters like compelling a certain party to attend at an examination for discovery, complex rulings on legal issues, or even disposing of a matter by way of summary judgment.

Every Canadian Counts Coalition

Dr. William Cowie, Chief of the Every Canadian Counts Coalition, discusses the advocacy work this grass roots movement is doing to advance the creation of a publicly funded disability insurance program for ALL Canadians living with long-term, chronic disabilities.

Livestream: Patients Canada Townhall with Ontario’s first Patient Ombudsman, Christine Elliott

Patients Canada invites you to livestream the inaugural townhall of Ontario’s newly-appointed Patient Ombudsman, Christine Elliott.

This interactive and exciting event will be moderated by well-known Canadian journalist Steve Paikin, host of TVO’s The Agenda with Steve Paikin. This is your opportunity to connect with Canada’s first Patient Ombudsman and hear what she can do for patients.