Author Archives: Admin4

Babcock v Destefano, 2016 ONSC 5352 (CanLII)

[11]        The independent medical examinations contemplated by the Courts of Justice Act are part of the discovery process, and are explicitly dealt with because of the intrusive nature of a personal interview and assessment which may require the party to be subjected to testing without the benefit of counsel present, which would not otherwise be available at an examination for discovery. In an action for damages for personal injuries, an independent examination is common and routine. Correspondence between Wawanesa and the plaintiff is typical, and shows negotiations and justifications as part of the exchanges.

[12]        The right of Wawanesa to have an independent examination is not seriously challenged. It is the timing of the requested examinations that is in issue.

[13]        I do not accept Wawanesa’s position that it has an unfettered right to a defence medical; and I do not accept its argument that the timing of this motion is irrelevant. The failure of Wawanesa to seek its defence examinations prior to the pretrials requires that the court scrutinize the requested orders more closely. The onus on the moving party is a heavy one.

$85,000 Non-Pecuniary Assessment for Chronic Shoulder Injury

In today’s case (Mitchell v. Martin) the Plaintiff was involved in a 2009 motorcycle collision caused by the Defendant where “the plaintiff was thrown from his motorcycle and injured his right shoulder, neck and back and suffered from bruising and road rash“.

Pain clinic doctor should face disciplinary hearing, lawyer says

Ontario’s medical watchdog has been too easy on a doctor who ran a clinic where patients developed serious bacterial infections, a medical malpractice lawyer argues.

The effect of traumatic brain injury on caregivers

After an individual sustains a traumatic brain injury (TBI), family members are thrown into a whirlwind of different emotions and decisions about their loved one’s care. Grief or a sense of loss may be associated with the ambiguity of the situation and changes in the survivor. Spouses, partners, parents, siblings and children may suddenly experience role changes associated with becoming a caregiver for the TBI survivor. As such, they may experience an increased responsibility for providing physical, financial and emotional support at a level they are not used to providing (Backhaus & Ibarra, 2012). The present article will discuss stressors unique to caregivers of persons with TBI, phases of adjustment post injury, challenges that family members typically experience when providing care, and the importance of recognizing and managing stress.

Total Disability: Not So Total After All!

It is standard practice for insurance companies to write these strongly worded clauses into their No-Fault Auto Insurance and in Long-Term Disability policies. Insurance companies often argue that these phrases mean exactly what they say: that if a person can do part-time work, then they are not “Totally Disabled”. Or, that if a person can do some job tasks, then they are not “Totally Disabled”.

College fights to get groping MD’s licence revoked

Following a Star investigation into doctors still at work after sexually abusing their patients, the provincial government established a task force in December 2014 to study the issue and make recommendations. The Ministry of Health has said the report is expected to be made public soon.

Fentanyl’s deadly path

Fentanyl is tied to an increasing number of deaths in Canada
Many of the overdoses are linked to pharmaceutical-grade fentanyl that is diverted into the hands of street users, but police are finding that, increasingly, illicit fentanyl is also the culprit. This is overwhelmingly the case in British Columbia

Opioid overuse is creating ‘lost generation,’ expert says

Opioids overuse is the “worst man-made epidemic in modern medical history,” a leading expert on workers’ compensation told Canadian physicians Wednesday, urging them to take tough and immediate action to address the problem.

Follow the money in campaign financing — and find a way to keep it clean: Cohn

Lawmakers were back at it this week trying to clean up Ontario’s fundraising morass. By putting their legislative amendments where their mouths are, rival MPPs went through the motions of ritual purification in hopes of absolving their parties of past sins.

UCLA scientists use ultrasound to jump-start coma patient’s brain

The technique, called low-intensity focused ultrasound pulsation, uses a device the size of a coffee cup saucer to create a small sphere of acoustic energy that can be directed at different parts of the brain. In Crehan’s case, the device was placed beside his head and activated for 10 30-second intervals over a 10 minute period.