Author Archives: Admin4

Exciting research suggests the brain can repair itself – with help

In 2013, Dr. Chandran and his associates were able to extract stem cells from the bone marrow of patients with Multiple Sclerosis, use these stem cells to grow myelin cells – damage of myelin cells is associated with diseases such as Multiple Sclerosis (MS) – and then inject these cultured myelin cells back into the patient’s veins. To measure whether the intervention was successful, the scientists examined the optic nerve. The size of the optic nerve was measured before the injection of the lab grown myelin cells, three and six months post injection (patients with MS usually have vision problems).

From ketamine to cupboard therapy: the future of mental health treatment

“For cancer you can remove the tumour, and we can grow these cancer cells in a dish. If you find a small molecule that stops uncontrolled proliferation of these cells, you have a potential drug for cancer,” said Pasca. “In contrast with that, we don’t have direct access to brain cells, you can’t do a brain biopsy. Therefore, in studying mental disorders, we look at postmortem brains. That’s a problem for me as a neuroscientist because these neurons can’t fire,” he said.

Insurance study finds removing red light cameras a fatal move

Traffic deaths from red-light-running crashes go up by nearly a third after cities turn off cameras designed to catch motorists in the act, according to a study by the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety. The institute is funded by auto insurers.

Docs reviewing medical files without seeing patients is appropriate

It’s appropriate and effective practice for independent physicians to review medical files without examining the patients for the Ontario’s workers’ compensation board, says Toronto orthopedic spine and trauma surgeon Dr. Michael Ford.

Ontario ministerial aides tapped to sell tickets to fundraisers

Political staff of many Ontario cabinet ministers double as fundraisers for the Liberal Party, encouraging companies that do business with government to buy tickets to private events hosted by the same ministers who make decisions on contracts and policy.

Public hearing on Ontario campaign financing comes to Kitchener

In May, the Liberal government proposed new rules around political fundraising that would ban corporate and union donations while reducing the amount individuals could contribute.

To offset the loss in donations from larger groups, the province, under Premier Kathleen Wynne, proposed taxpayers pay $2.26 per vote for each one received by the parties.

End Cash-For-Access petition

This Liberal government has a complete disregard for democracy and equality. Theirlavish cash-for-access scheme which saw Ministers direct stakeholders to purchase tickets costing tens of thousands of dollars to Liberal Party fundraisers showcases their discontent for democracy.

Crash victims find support in group

Earlier this year, McKay sought out others who had been through similar experiences, but to her surprise, the closest group for crash victims was in Toronto and offered only if a certain number of people signed up to attend.

Lottery-winning dirty Peel cop who “turned his back on the law” terminated

A veteran Peel Regional Police officer convicted of more than 40 charges of fraud, breach of trust and obstructing justice in relation to a series of staged and bogus car crashes, has been dismissed

What you need to know about ON auto insurance reform

As the world changes around us so too must rules and regulations change. As part of an ongoing initiative to make Ontario auto insurance more affordable and convenient for consumers, the Financial Services Commission of Ontario (FSCO) approved several changes to insurance regulations.