Author Archives: Admin4

How the LAT is killing access to justice for accident benefit claims in Ontario

For anyone who practices in the field of accident benefit law (dare I now call it litigation), what we all need is more paper work, more records, and more forms to be completed by insureds, and insurers alike. What is already a complicated and confusing system has been rendered even more complex with the shift of accident benefit disputes from the Financial Services Commission of Ontario (FSCO) to the Safety, Licensing Appeals and Standards Tribunals of Ontario (SLASTO) License Appeals Tribunal (LAT). How’s that for a mouthful?

UK average auto insurance increases 19%, still cheaper than Ontario

While Ontarian motorists are used to paying excessively high auto insurance rates, they have at least been enjoying premiums slowly falling. However, in the United Kingdom, drivers are facing the prospect of paying 19% more for their coverage than they were last year.

Shop Insurance Canada: FSCO should be removed, but Only with Effective Replacement

( July 13, 2016 – The creation of a new financial regulatory body to oversee the insurance industry in Ontario is a good idea, says Shop Insurance Canada. However, the auto insurance expert argues that the creation of a Financial Services Regulatory Authority (FSRA) is meaningless unless it can effect change in the province and help to lower insurance rates.

Task force report on medical regulatory bodies kept secret over defamation concerns

A long-delayed task force report on sexual abuse by health-care professionals is being kept secret over concerns that it defames top medical organizations — including the College of Physicians and Surgeons.

Ontario, OMA agree to clamp down on high-billing doctors

The Ontario government and the province’s doctors have agreed to clamp down on physicians who bill the system more than $1-million a year, as part of a tentative deal announced this week.

Spinal Cord Injury & Vehicle Modification

It is not uncommon that survivors of spinal cord injury declare a return to driving as being one of their primary goals. Depending on the severity of injury, and the amount of regained function, such a goal may be entirely realistic and achievable. Although the injured person may no longer be able to drive a vehicle in a normal manner, adaptive technology and vehicle modifications can permit a return to driving.

Roadside saliva test coming for toking and driving?

TORONTO – Canadians suspected of driving while high could be required to submit to a roadside saliva test that identifies the use of marijuana, cocaine and opioids.

Summer sale! Ontario politicians priced to move!

Back in March of 2013, the minority Liberal government of Kathleen Wynne tabled a budget that included a promise to reduce private auto insurance premiums by 15 per cent. The policy, when implemented by August 2015, would save Ontarians hundreds of dollars a year. It was included in the budget in a bid to get the NDP’s support for the budget.

Ontario’s benefit cuts profoundly affect car accident victims

Many Ontarians missed the fact that on June 1 their provincial government cut in half the accident benefits (“no-fault”) coverage available for people suffering catastrophic injury in a car accident. This change has a profound impact on everyone in Ontario, including 8.5 million drivers, injured people and their families, the insurance industry and the health-care and rehabilitation sectors.

Changing The Playing Field For Auto Insurance

“Drivers in Ontario have different wants and needs, so yes, some people may pay more, but others will pay less,” said Christine Paquette, the operations manager for Southland Insurance. “These changes are more about options. As brokers, we are working to get people the best combination of price and product. Lower prices don’t always result in the right coverage.”