Author Archives: Admin4

Human Rights Tribunal classifies Miscarriage as a Disability

The Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario was recently tasked with deciding a case in which the applicant alleges that her employer discriminated against her by terminating her employment due to a disability, contrary to the Human Rights Code, R.S.O., 1990.  The woman’s employer, MHPM Project Leaders, requested a dismissal of the woman’s Application charging that it has no reasonable prospect of success. 

Brain Injury and Executive Functions – When the CEO is on a Hiatus

Brain injury awareness month continues…this stop: Executive Functioning.

Simply defined, executive functions are the capacities we require to achieve a goal. These are commonly referred to as the “CEO” of the brain because they provide people with the higher order processes that allow us to plan, organize, initiate and complete tasks successfully.

Concerns raised about patient privacy with new bill

TORONTO – Doctors are raising red flags about new legislation they say compromises the sanctity of doctor-patient confidentiality and allows government bureaucrats access to their patients’ private health information.

Choosing a medical expert with proper credentials for the case

There are far too many doctors providing medical commentary and analysis in personal injury cases when they aren’t true specialists in the areas covered by the facts of the case, says Toronto orthopedic spine and trauma surgeon Dr. Michael Ford.

Transitional Issues for Mediating/Arbitrating AB Disputes

With the change from FSCO to the LAT, some questions have arisen about when it is too late to file for a mediation at FSCO, what the effect of an outstanding mediation is on a LAT proceeding, how limitation period issues are dealt with as well as some other transitional issues.

Should I return to work after my Long Term Disability Claim or Car Accident (Ontario)

Before you attempt a return to work, consult with your doctor. If your doctor tells you that it’s medically safe for you to give it a try, then give it a try! But if your doctor tells you that it’s not a good idea to return to work, then you should listen to your doctor and rest. Your doctor knows best. Not your chiropractor. Not your physiotherapist. Not your massage therapist. Your medical doctor who bills via OHIP and not via insurance.

Link between concussions and suicide growing stronger

A recent study of 235,000 concussion patients found that adults who experience a concussion appear to have a long-term suicide risk three times higher than that of the general population, the Canadian Press reports.

Important Changes to Auto Insurance

When it’s time to renew or purchase auto insurance on or after June 1, 2016, the standard auto insurance policy you receive from your insurer or broker will have the new lower benefits – unless you act quickly and contact your insurance representative to purchase optional coverages.

Only 10% of Ontario drivers report being “very knowledgeable” about elements of a standard auto insurance policy: FSCO-commissioned survey

The survey, released on Wednesday, found that while 75% of Ontarians who have auto insurance state that they are familiar with the benefits and coverages in their auto insurance policy, only 10% are very knowledgeable about the elements in a standard auto policy. The online survey, conducted by EKOS Research Associates in April, was completed by 1,159 Ontarians with a current auto insurance policy. The margin of error is +/- 2.9 percentage points, 19 times out of 20.

History of the Motor Vehicle Accident Schemes in the Province of Ontario

In Ontario, car insurance is mandatory.  As a result, most Ontarians are forced to buy the exact same policy from one of over 100 different insurance companies.  Although some options are available, 99% of motorists drive with the exact same insurance policy.  Since 1990, successive governments have made changes to the car insurance laws in the hope of protecting both consumers and insurance companies. However, the most recent changes have focused on cost cutting for insurers at the expense of those injured in car crashes.