Author Archives: Admin4

The ICBC ‘dumpster fire’: How much is really burning?

British Columbia Attorney General David Eby recently described the current state of the province’s automobile insurer, the Insurance Corporation of British Columbia (ICBC), as a “financial dumpster fire.”


Long Term Disability Cases in Ontario: Examining Policies, Limitations and Union Involvement

Long Term Disability cases are complicated. Most people don’t even know what a Long Term Disability Claim even is. To take it one step further, some people who have Long Term Disability coverage don’t even know that they have it, or which insurance company it’s with, how much coverage they have, or the duration of their coverage.


Caregiving for a Collision Survivor

In the aftermath of a collision, most of the caregiving in your family may be on the person who has been injured. While it is reasonable that your family’s attention and energy will be focused on your injured loved one, it is also important to reach out for help and perform self-care. A sudden auto collision affects not only the injured person but the whole family — from financial challenges and social upheaval to isolation and job loss.


Disabilities are not always obvious. Don’t judge us without knowing the full story

Too many of my friends have told me of being abused by strangers when using an accessible (or “disabled”) parking space. Sometimes there is a note left under the windscreen wiper – “you should be ashamed of yourself, I saw you and there’s nothing wrong with you. I’ve taken your license plate and will report you”. Other times it’s a verbal aggression on getting in or out of the car.


What is TMJ -Temporomandibular Joint Disorder?

Your temporomandibular joint is a hinge that connects your jaw to the temporal bones of your skull, which are in front of each ear. It lets you move your jaw up and down and side to side, so you can talk, chew, and yawn.  For most, this joint functions normally, but for some this joint can become inflamed or swollen, causing a wide range of issues. Most attribute this pain or inflammation to arthritis, stress, clenching of teeth, etc.


Moving the A2J Conversation to a New Level

We need to talk about how we stop exploiting the public, for whom solo navigation of our ridiculously complex legal processes is overwhelming, help is usually unaffordable, and genuine access to justice remains elusive and often illusory.

An innovation agenda for Ontario’s Insurance Industry

Will current auto liability regime apply to driverless cars?

Insurance and traffic laws probably need to change when motorists start sharing the road with driverless cars, a speaker told claims specialists Tuesday.

Once a PSW, Always a PSW

In J.C.C. v. Echelon, 2017 CanLII 85731 (ON LAT) the insured sustained significant orthopaedic injuries in a motorcycle collision. A Form 1 Assessment of Attendant Care found his monthly attendant care needs amounted to over $3,000 per month. The applicant hired Ms. Paula Salazar to provide him with attendant care services. Ms. Salazar was a PSW however, she was working as a lab technician at the time of the collision.

Applicant removed from MIG on basis of psychological impairment resulting from accident – Applicant v RBC LAT 16-002047

The applicant was injured in car accident on September 5, 2015 and sought benefits pursuant SABs. When RBC denied the benefits claim the applicant submitted an application to the LAT.