Author Archives: Admin4

Social Justice: Expert witness cross-examination conundrum

There are various strategies available to counsel in attempting to impeach an expert’s credibility. Cross-examination on the basis of prior inconsistent statements is a well-known strategy. As seen in the recent Jian Ghomeshi acquittal, this technique is a powerful weapon in attacking the credibility of any witness. Another strategy is cross-examination to establish bias, attempting to establish the witness’ partisanship.

Windsor woman charged with defrauding insurer for $23K

A Windsor woman has been charged by Peterborough police for defrauding her insurance provider for about $23,000.

New Ontario Bill Could Save Lives and Reduce Auto Insurance Premiums

Shop Insurance Canada ( says that a potential change to the law could help reduce accident rates and low insurance premiums in Ontario. However, while consumers and insurance companies should be enthused, Bill 192 needs to be tested to see if it offers the merits it proposes.

Doctors’ billings: Transparency is the best medicine

Ontario’s privacy watchdog has ordered the province to publish the names of the 100 doctors whose billings to the Ontario Health Insurance Plan are highest.

TIL: Personal email, BBMs subject to FOI, watchdog tells public servants

Ontario’s information and privacy commissioner is telling government and public sector staff that their personal email and BlackBerry Messenger accounts are subject to freedom of information requests.

Sudbury column: Time to act on poverty reduction

So how are we doing? We have had three poverty reduction plans released by the provincial Liberals and I am still waiting for them to actually reduce poverty.

What Would a Trauma-Informed Society Look Like?

The rapidly increased rates of diagnosable mental illness may have been partially driven by greed, corporate interests, prestige, and consequences of drugging the masses with toxic chemicals known to cause many of the problems they purport to assist.  Many authors, such as Robert Whitaker, have certainly made cases for all of these factors.  Yet, greed and corporate tyranny can only exist when there is demand.

Life in the shadows of the concussion debate

I’m in the kitchen pouring rice into a cup when my husband asks a question. I look towards him but my brain can’t do two things at once. The rice hits the floor. Thousands of grains scatter under the counter, the oven, the fridge. I grab a broom but can’t focus. My neurons are in overdrive: dinner is late, I have to get downtown but I can’t drive that far and the 45-minute streetcar ride seems daunting.

Benefits of Outsource Insurance Services

Certificate in Dispute Resolution