Author Archives: Admin4

Life or Death Decisions: The Brain’s ‘Self-Repair” Process May Go On for Years – NBC News

Just how many cases are there in Ontario’s courts that are auto insurance related? 96,706

Unknown The Automobile Accident Benefits Service  (AABS)  as of April 1 2016 (sent request for numbers)

36,750 cases filed for mediation/arbitration in 2015 FSCO Dispute Resolution Service (DRS)    (where cases were heard up to March 31, 2016)

59,956 auto insurance related cases in 2014/2015 StatCan numbers on auto insurance related cases on the docket in Ontario Civil Courts (you’ll have to manipulate the data to get the Ontario numbers)

Ontario adjusters will need retraining on injury definitions as part of auto reforms taking effect in June: Walker

For non-catastrophic injuries, the existing benefits scheme allowed for $50,000 in medical and rehabilitation and $36,000 in attendant care; under the new scheme June 1, this has been combined and reduced to $65,000 in total. Optional benefits can be purchased to increase the total to $130,000.

Better Reporting of Medical Errors Could Save Lives

Medical error is the third leading cause of death in the United States, behind heart disease and cancer, according to a recent study published by Drs. Makary and Daniel at Johns Hopkins University. It is estimated at least 251,454 Americans die due to medical errors every year. The study goes on to say that medical error leading to patient death is under-recognized in many other countries, including the UK and Canada. The failure of recognition seems to relate to how these deaths are recorded, or an inability of reporting systems to capture medical errors. For example, a death certificate may state cardiac arrest as a patient’s cause of death, but omit the medical mistake that led to the cardiac arrest.

Hamilton poverty: Group says living wage target must rise.

For 10 years the Hamilton Living Wage Working Group, a coalition of academic, social service and business agencies, has been arguing for a wage based on what it actually costs to live here rather than the political compromise number of the provincial minimum wage.

Brain Injury/Impairment in the Catastrophic Impairment Definition

Top 5 Things You Need to Know About the New AABS System‏

Car insurance costs dropping, but so are benefits: Mayers

The Liberals made the auto-insurance promise two years ago when they were hanging on to a shaky minority government. They said they would meet their target by August 2015, giving relief to Ontario drivers, who pay the most in Canada to insure their cars. That deadline came and went nine months ago. As of this month, we’re two-thirds of the way there, at the 10 per cent mark.

Ontario’s poverty gap puts the lie to Wynne’s social justice pretensions

Back in 2013 when she was running for the leadership of the Ontario Liberal Party, Kathleen Wynne famously told the Toronto Star that she wanted to be known as “the social justice premier.” She also said that when it came to “liberal values,” “I believe social justice is what drives us.”

Usage-based Auto Insurance on the Rise, Canada Lagging Behind as 142 Million Consumers will be Using UBI by 2023

Usage-based auto insurance (UBI) is still a relatively new concept in the industry, but it is expected to grow exponentially over the next decade. IHS Automotive says that there will be 142 million global consumers using UBI coverage by 2023, in a study called Auto Tech Report – Usage Based Insurance (UBI).