Author Archives: Admin4

Legislative changes decriminalizing impaired driving are a possibility in Ontario

In 2010, the British Columbia government enacted legislation that partially decriminalized drunk driving. Police officers were given power under the new rules to decide whether to file criminal charges or levy administrative sanctions against individuals who blew over the limit. Most first-time offenders were not charged, but had their licenses suspended for 90 days. After the initial three-months, they could recover their licenses by joining a year-long interlock program, or face a further 12-month suspension.

Postjudgement and Prejudgement Interest Rates

Postjudgment interest rates (and prejudgment interest rates for causes of action arising on or before October 23, 1989)

Applicant shows treatment reasonable and necessary – Applicant v Unifund LAT 16-002346

The applicant was injured in a car accident on January 19, 2016. He was 25 years old at the time, and was driving on the highway when a car struck the passenger side of his vehicle causing him to hit the centre divider. When Unifund denied claims for benefits pursuant to the SABs the applicant applied to the LAT.

Flying under the radar of the big opioid crisis is another opioid crisis

“Alex” came into the ER at 9:45 p.m. He had trouble breathing. His lips were blue. By 12:05 a.m. Alex was dead. He died from an opioid overdose. This is one example of the opioid crisis.

Accessible Parking Permits

After surviving a collision, you may need to apply for an accessible parking permit. Here are some things you need to know when you are applying for your parking permit:

Transitions in Care: Get Involved

Patients and caregivers tell us that the journey home after hospital admission is tough. Poor transitions increase the risk of complications.

Together with Dr. Tara Kiran at St. Michael’s Hospital, we want to hear from patients and caregivers about their experience transitioning from hospital to home.

New chief justice says system for dealing with complaints against judges needs work

The new chief justice of the Supreme Court of Canada says the system for dealing with complaints of serious misconduct by judges needs an overhaul.

Injured Ontario workers are falling into desperate poverty: watchdog

Citing “systematic disregard” for professional medical assessments of injured workers, advocates have asked Ontario’s government watchdog to launch an investigation into the province’s Workplace Safety and Insurance Board.

Toronto lawyer serves claim with Instagram

When Toronto lawyer Tara Vasdani could not track down a defendant she was looking to serve, she turned to Instagram.

Medical Experts play a key Role in a Personal Injury Trial but can there be too many Experts?

A recent trial raised the issue of whether there are limitations on the number of medical expert witnesses that can be called in a trial.  The civil action, Davies v. The Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington, involved a man who was injured while he was a passenger of a VIA Rail train that derailed in November 1999. The action addressed only the amount of appropriate damages that should be awarded, as liability was not an issue for this case.