Author Archives: Admin4

CPSO’s comments highlight disciplinary panel independence

While it’s unusual the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario (CPSO) would express “disappointment” about a decision by its disciplinary committee, the regulator’s comments about the case of a physician who sexually abused patients and didn’t lose his licence highlight the independence of the disciplinary committee, Toronto health lawyer Elyse Sunshine says.

Are MDs making too much?

I was surprised and shocked to read that people are complaining about the amounts of money our doctors are billing OHIP, a highly intelligent very well educated group of people who take care of us and operate on us. These doctors have gone to school for years, and even more years if they specialize. They are worth every nickel and more.

IBM wins $32M Ontario government contract despite delivering problem-riddled software

Despite 18 months of problems associated with the software responsible for tracking Ontarians on social assistance, the Ontario government has awarded a two-year $32-million IT contract aimed at servicing the software to the same company that created it.

New analytics stop auto claims fraud in real time

Two forces are coming together to battle claims fraud in Canada and the United States. Guidewire Software is partnering with analytics firm FICO to target personal auto claims fraud by leveraging data collected throughout the claim cycle.

Regulatory change demands that insurers show regulators using telematics data for claims management would help consumers

The Financial Services Commission of Ontario (FSCO) has drawn a line in the sand when it comes to using telematics data for claims management, but it is not a given that line will always be in place, Blair Currie, vice president of Canadian business development for Intelligent Mechatronic Systems Inc. (IMS), suggested Thursday during an industry event in downtown Toronto.

Police explore effectiveness of controversial “Textalyzer” device to combat distracted driving

Decades of effort by groups in government, police, and lobbying organizations such as Mothers Against Drunk Driving Canada (MADD) has caused a dramatic decline in the rate of deaths caused by impaired driving since the 1980s. However the recent trend towards widespread use of mobile devices behind the wheel means that distracted driving is quickly becoming a more deadly issue.

“Not everyone needs to buy a Mercedes” – brokers must communicate FSCO cost savings to clients

Ontario’s insurance companies must implement sweeping changes on June 1 to comply with the provincial government’s mandate to lower auto premiums by 15% – but clients may be less than pleased with the resulting reduction to their accident benefits.–ontario-brokers-must-communicate-fsco-cost-savings-to-clien-206526.aspx

Expert Evidence in a Personal Injury Case (Ontario)

Personal Injury, Long Term Disability and Car Accident cases across Ontario are built upon EVIDENCE. Our legal system doesn’t play out in such a way as a Plaintiff makes a claim, yells a lot that they’re entitled to compensation, and then they get what they want. If Courts worked that way, those with the loudest voices would always win. In order for your case to succeed, you need evidence.

Long-term disability benefits decision ‘changes the landscape’

A recent decision against the double recovery of disability benefits from the public purse marks a shift away from a principle that allows exceptions for people with private insurance, says Ottawa personal injury lawyer Najma Rashid.

‘Sexual touching’ case highlights a loophole for doctors guilty of abuse

Doctors in Ontario can grope their patients and keep their licences, and the government has no clear timeline to address what has become a growing concern.

The issue, highlighted by a 2013 Star investigation, led Health Minister Dr. Eric Hoskins to launch a task force in December 2014 to study sexual abuse among health-care professionals.