Author Archives: Admin4

Ontario should tighten law on doctors and sexual abuse: Editorial

There’s bad news and a bit of good news in the story of Javad Peirovy, the Toronto doctor who sexually abused four female patients yet will keep his licence and will be back at work in six months.

Discipline Committee Schedule

Ontario’s basic income plan poses a threat to existing social programs

“We believe that in order for basic income to be effective, it has to allow people to live with dignity and be at a level where people can make choices and have power and control in their own lives, not at a level that continues to trap people in poverty,” says Jenna van Draanen, secretary on the board of directors for the Basic Income Canada Network.

Khan and State Far, Decision Date: 2016-04-21 Appeal, Preliminary Issue, FSCO 4883

This Commission does not facilitate the garnishment of after-school paper route earnings. This Commission does not facilitate the seizing of piggy banks.

In his February 29, 2016 Expense Decision, Arbitrator Matheson of ADR Chambers (the “Arbitrator”) set out the issue before him as whether “Mr. Khan” was liable to pay the arbitration expenses of the Respondent, State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company. The only “Mr. Khan” the Arbitrator identified in his decision is Shaazil Khan.


Almost every country in the Western world promotes the concept of equality under the law, where a poor man wearing rags receives the same treatment as a billionaire in an Armani suit. We like to think that our courts operate under the tenet that beneath our physical attributes, the clothes on our backs and the assets in our bank accounts, we are all the same.

Traumatic brain injuries linked with lasting sleep problems

People who suffered a traumatic brain injury may still have sleep problems for up to a year and a half after, new research shows.
What’s more, the study published online in Neurology, the medical journal of the American Academy of Neurology, found that many people with these brain injuries may be unaware of how much their sleep is disrupted.

Refusal to revoke doctor’s licence leaves CPSO ‘disappointed’ by its own panel

Physician who engaged in sexual touching was merely suspended 6 months, while the province considers expanding mandatory penalties.

Up to 1.1 million disabled Canadians are eligible for free money from Ottawa

Tax season is winding down and when the deadline comes, so too will the reality that hundreds of thousands of Canadians with disabilities will be short-changing themselves.

Workers Killed/Injured On The Job Mourned Today

Both the CN Tower and the TORONTO sign will be lit yellow Thursday evening in tribute to all workers who have been killed on the job, or have been injured. April 28 is a National Day of Mourning. The one-week campaign also calls attention to workplace safety.

Ontario health Coalition discussed hospital cutbacks in Ontario