Author Archives: Admin4

FSCO’s Draft 2016 Statement of Priorities

Section 11 of the FSCO Act requires that FSCO publish in The Ontario Gazette and deliver to the Minister of Finance, by June 30 of each year, a statement setting out FSCO’s proposed priorities and the reasons for adopting these priorities. FSCO’s draft 2016 Statement of Priorities is now posted on FSCO’s website.


FSCO invites interested parties to make written submissions regarding FSCO’s draft 2016 Statement of Priorities. Interested parties may send submissions by May 31, 2016. FSCO’s 2016 Statement of Priorities will be submitted to the Minister of Finance in June 2016 and will be published in The Ontario Gazette shortly thereafter.


To comment, please email You may also send comments by mail or fax to:


Chief Executive Officer and

Superintendent of Financial Services

Financial Services Commission of Ontario

5160 Yonge Street, Box 85

Toronto, Ontario M2N 6L9

Fax: (416) 590-7070

No justice, no peace

If you were disillusioned about the criminal justice system after reading about the Jian Ghomeshi acquittal and the Marco Muzzo sentencing, you’ll be utterly depressed by the recently released book, January, by retired Ontario Superior Court justice Marie Corbett.

Challenges to high legal bills delayed by short-staffed office

There was a time, not that long ago, when George Argyropoulos was happy in his work. He’d turn up at the office before sunrise with a steaming cup of coffee to plug away in his obscure corner of the legal system.

Focus: Time to re-evaluate the Mandatory Mediation Program

It’s been a long time since there was an evaluation of the effectiveness of the Ontario Mandatory Mediation Program.

Even though new areas of law fall under the program and the volume of court claims has increased, the number of mediations and mediators in the program has declined.

Shop Insurance Canada Ready to Help Customers Understand Ontario Auto Insurance Reforms

( April 9, 2016 – Insurance industry expert Shop Insurance Canada ( says the amount of changes being made to the auto insurance industry in Ontario is daunting. The company is working with customers to make understanding the reforms easier, detailing each aspect of the changes announced by the Financial Services Commission of Ontario (FSCO).

Basic auto coverage vs. comprehensive auto insurance in Canada

It’s hard to know what to buy when shopping for auto insurance in Canada. On one hand, you want to be covered as much as possible to protect your investment in case of incidents. However, you don’t necessarily want to pay hundreds of dollars a month for that privilege.

Money in Politics Campaign

Politicians are supposed to be the referees who decide what is in the public interest – so why do we allow wealthy private interests to buy them off with huge donations, including secret donations, and why do we allow interest groups to spend secret, unlimited amounts of money before and during many election campaigns?”

Ontario nurses appalled at exclusion from PTSD support bill

Earlier this week, the Ontario government passed legislation that presumes post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) diagnosed in first responders is work-related. The Supporting Ontario’s First Responders Act or Bill 163 offers the likes of firefighters, paramedics and police officers easier access to treatment and resources for the condition, as well as an array of benefits through WSIB.

Wynne to meet with opposition leaders amid furor over political fundraising

The leaders of Ontario’s main political parties are meeting Monday to discuss fundraising reforms following two weeks of unrelenting opposition attacks over expensive and exclusive dinners for Liberal donors.

Morning Briefing: Canadian-style healthcare for Colorado would decimate insurers

A proposal which could see a universal healthcare system for all of Colorado’s residents would have a budget larger than the ACA in the state according to independent analysis; but it would almost certainly hit insurers’ revenues.