Author Archives: Admin4

Migrant farm worker launches discrimination complaint against WSIB

The claim, to be submitted Monday at the Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario, says WSIB failed to ensure Robert Sulph, 51, would have proper access to care when he returned to Jamaica after he sliced his neck open while working on a London-area tobacco farm — even though he was entitled to full and fair compensation for his injuries under provincial law.

WSIB treatment rotten

I could not believe how frightfully off-base and rotten the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board treatment of Darryl Bold was. In fact, his whole story from start to finish is an indictment of the entire health system.

Action needed to address the rising cost of concussions in Canada

At the Canadian Concussion Centre, the evidence of the impact of concussions is clear. Many concussed young people continue to have disabling symptoms from post-concussion syndrome for many years or even permanently. Those with repetitive concussions may develop actual brain degeneration with permanent memory loss and personality change.

Lawyers for 3 charged in auto insurance fraud probe appear in court

Legal representatives for a paralegal and a chiropractor and receptionist at a Toronto wellness clinic appeared in a North York courtroom after the trio was charged with fraud-related offences in connection with an alleged insurance fraud claim.

LAT Will Not Be Following All of the Cunningham Recommendations

FSCO will continue to operate beyond April 1, 2016.  If mediation has been completed, but the arbitration process has not begun, a party can apply to LAT and begin the new process.  If the case already has been assigned an arbitration case number by FSCO, the case remains at FSCO.  Existing cases will not be transferred from FSCO to LAT.

Overzealous Denial of Claim Results in Large Punitive Damage Award

The recent BC Supreme Court decision Arsenovski v. Bodin, 2016 BCSC 359, illustrates, by way of an extreme example, the risk insurers run by overzealous denial of an insured’s claim.

Ten medical expenses you didn’t know were tax deductible

We Canadians like to take pride in our publicly funded health-care system, but the truth is many of us pay out of pocket for a wide range of essential health services. This is especially true for those with, or caring for, someone with disabilities or chronic conditions. Studies show Canadians pay as much as 30 per cent of our health needs privately.

Concussion and Suicide: An intriguing link discovered

A couple of months ago, the movie “Concussion” was released in cinemas. The storyline of the movie is based on a true story of an immigrant forensic neuropathologist who linked chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE) to suicidal deaths of several football players. As the story goes, the neuropathologist finds that continuous exposure to head traumas and injuries leads to neurological degenerative symptoms similar to Alzheimer’s disease, but they are not exactly the same.

An Open Letter to Ontario Drivers Re: LAT vs. FSCO

Dear Ontario Drivers:

I am writing to update you on recent legislative changes that affect your car accident claim; in particular your Accident Benefits claims with your own insurer. There are two sides to any car accident lawsuit; the Accident Benefits file with your own auto insurer, and the main action against the driver who caused the accident. The Accident Benefits file is meant to provide money up front to cover things like income replacement (in part) and treatment expenses. It is important to get everything you can from the Accident Benefits side of the law suit so that you can maximize your recovery and reduce the losses from the car accident. The changes to the law are on the Accident Benefits side.

The Effect of the Changes of SABS on Independent Therapy Clinics

The June 1st, 2016, revisions to the Statutory Accident Benefits Schedule will change how rehabilitation therapy is covered. But how will it affect rehabilitation clinics on a business level, and what will clinics have to do to adjust?