Author Archives: Admin4

Litigation loans help clients move forward

Litigation loans can assist claimants during lengthy court proceedings, ensuring their bills are paid while seeking a fair settlement, says CaseMark Financial’s founder and managing director, Mickey Mingov.—mickey-mingov-litigation-loans-help-clients-move-forward.html

Civil litigation claims: What we saw in 201

Claims against litigators are the largest area-of-law subset in LAWPRO’s claims portfolio. The rate of increase in claims in this area outstrips all others, and is an increasing source of concern.In the past two years, we have focused on the claims impact of the changes to Rule 48 of the Rules of Civil Procedure. Judgments reported in 2017 include actions dismissed as statute barred, administrative dismissals by registrars, dismissals for failing to “show cause” at status hearings, dismissals under Rule 24, and decisions refusing to restore actions to the trial list. However, claims against litigators are far more varied than these, as these summaries of some LAWPRO cases reveal.

Personal Injury Law: Dealing With Chronic Pain & Depression

Chronic pain often results from serious injuries caused by negligence. Unfortunately, chronic pain can also lead to further issues such as depression. In fact, people with chronic pain are three times more likely to suffer from depression than the general population, and as many as 50% of people with chronic pain suffer from anxiety and depression.

Happy Anniversary: The First Auto Insurance Policy Was Sold Over 120 Years Ago This Week To A Massachusetts Man

This Friday, October 20th, celebrates the  anniversary of the sale of the first auto insurance policy. While many sites make the claim that the first auto insurance policy was sold in February to a gentleman in Ohio, it appears that the first policy was actually sold a few months earlier to a man in Westfield, Massachusetts.

Taking a hard line on settlement backfires for insurer

TORONTO — An insurance company that played litigation hardball with an elderly car-accident victim has been ordered to pay $237,000 to cover the legal costs she incurred in winning a $20,000 settlement.

Arbitration filing deadlines trump law clerk “screw-up,” Ontario court rules

A law clerk “screw-up” is not an “extraordinary circumstance” that would allow an injured driver to circumvent the time limits for producing expert witnesses and documents in an auto accident benefits arbitration, an Ontario court has ruled.

Tough New Distracted Driving Laws Coming Into Effect

The Ontario Government announced in 2017 that it was changing legislation and bringing in much tougher new regulations around the plague on Ontario roads – distracted driving. Distracted driving is a leading cause of car accidents, and of car and pedestrian accidents, and car and bicycle accidents. It is hard to stop at any red light or stop sign in the Region and not see people looking at their phones, texting, talking, or even playing games. It has to stop.

Cap on minor injury auto awards could be coming to B.C.

British Columbia’s government is considering caps on awards, in auto insurance personal injury lawsuits, for pain and suffering for minor injuries, the province’s attorney general told Canadian Underwriter Tuesday.

Diagnosing Your Injuries After an Auto Collision

Auto Collisions are generally horrific experiences even when the damage is not severe. Everyone reacts differently to a crash. Some experience a mental fog making it difficult to think or focus. Others might find their minds flooded by thoughts and concerns. In addition to the mental trauma and emotional disorientation, sometimes auto collisions cause physical damage that’s hard to notice amidst immediate distractions. Even serious physical issues might not present any signs for several days.

Long Term Disability Claims and Mental Illness – News Round Up

There are various conditions or types of injuries for which a person may make a claim for disability benefits for. In any given week, at least 500,000 Canadianswill miss work due to mental illness/mental health problems.