Author Archives: Admin4

No fault? No thanks

If you look at your automobile insurance invoice, you will see that some 25% (or roughly $350) of your annual automobile insurance premiums are specified to be in relation to your mandatory purchase of these no-fault accident benefits.

The book insurers don’t want the public or claimants to know about

Jokelee Vanderkop knows first-hand the turmoil and upheaval one can experience battling for
legitimate insurance benefits. She’s made it her mission to share that experience and information with
others, because “Having a legitimate claim, medically backed by one’s doctors, is no guarantee that an insurer will pay the benefits for which an individual has paid,” she said.

Industry body defends ICBC after huge damages payment

While the ICBC explores options to appeal last week’s judgement from the province’s Supreme Court ordering it to pay almost $400,000, an insurance industry group has spoken out on the necessity of pursuing evidence of fraudulent claims.

Man Found ‘At-Fault’ after Hired Driver Crashed His Car

Besides the potential for injury or even death, there’s the financial burden of repairing damaged property. Luckily auto insurance is around to cover the often high costs of car collisions, but if the collision is determined to be your fault you’ll find yourself paying for your mistakes with higher rates for years even if the damage was minor.

Judge orders ICBC to pay ‘terrified’ immigrant couple $350,000 over false fraud accusation

In a judgment issued Tuesday, Justice Susan Griffin called the prosecution brought against Danica Arsenovski “malicious,” and said the actions by ICBC and special investigator John Gould “brought fear and shame to a vulnerable person.”

Nova Scotians not keen on tech that could save them money on car insurance

Several insurance companies in Nova Scotia are offering a program that allows people to save up to 25 per cent on their car insurance, but few people are opting to take part, according to OTC insurance and the Insurance Bureau of Canada.

Car Insurance costs in Ontario vs. Alberta

The cost of insurance is determined based on a number of factors, such as whether the service is offered publicly or via private companies as well as the risk involved in each province.  More accidents on the roads mean insurance companies are taking higher risks. They’re passing that risk off to drivers in the form of higher car insurance premiums.

Transition to the LAT

Members will be aware that the Licence Appeal Tribunal is set to begin receiving applications for SABS disputes as of April 1, 2016. The Safety, Licensing Appeals and Standards Tribunals (SLASTO) Ontario just distributed a memo concerning transition issues including information on sessions for legal and insurance company staff.

We Should Applaud Ontario’s Plans To Pilot A Basic Income Guarantee

The Basic Income Guarantee (BIG) is a strategy for poverty reduction that is simpler and more effective than our existing social assistance systems. Quite simply, individuals whose incomes fall below a certain level get topped up to a level that would meet basic needs. This streamlined approach would replace existing social assistance programs, and would provide much-needed income security for the increasing numbers of Canadians in precarious and part-time work. If designed correctly, it should also eliminate some of the perverse incentives of the “welfare wall” that institutionalize poverty in Canada.

Doctor’s Notes: Why we need to pay more attention to women’s head injuries

Many would assume that gender equity in health has been achieved. But in subtle ways, medical research has a male bias that can leave women behind. Take my area of research as an example: traumatic brain injuries. Huge advances have been made in this field over the last few decades. We now know that for some, even seemingly minor hits to the head can have long-lasting effects, and we recognize the importance of proper recovery and rehabilitation. But we don’t fully know the differences of how women and men experience brain injury, and that has consequences for how women are diagnosed and treated.