Author Archives: Admin4

UBC researcher’s scanning technique sheds new light on damage done to the brain by concussion

This new understanding of the physical damage to the brain and the time frame for recovery suggests athletes should not be cleared to play less than two weeks after a concussion and should probably be shelved much longer, said Alex Rauscher, an MRI scientist and Canada Research Chair in the department of pediatrics at the University of B.C.

Judge finds ICBC liable for malicious prosecution, awards woman nearly $400,000

A British Columbia judge has awarded a woman who “experienced the wrath” of the province’s insurance corporation nearly $400,000.

Destruction of Evidence

The destruction of evidence, either intentional or through negligence, impedes the ability of the trier of fact to find the truth and reach a just determination of the issues.

Automobile Accident Benefits Service Project Update

The Safety, Licensing Appeals and Standards Tribunal Ontario (SLASTO) has issued an update on the Automobile Accident Benefits Service Project in regards to the transfer of Ontario’s auto insurance dispute resolution system from the Financial Services Commission of Ontario to the Licence Appeal Tribunal of SLASTO.

Self driving Google car could be at fault in crash

Google’s autonomous vehicles have been involved in several accidents in the past, but it has always been the case that the other party was to blame. This latest event however, which took place in California in mid-February, may be the first time the autonomous vehicle has been at fault.

In Personal Injury Disputes, Your Metadata Is Fair Game

Over the last few years, as sharing of personal information on social media has become more ubiquitous, many personal injury cases in Ontario are being decided on evidence gathered from plaintiffs’ social media accounts, which provide ‘metadata’ creating a time and location stamp of a user’s online activity. And it’s all admissible as evidence in court.

$30,000 Non-Pecuniary Assessment for Aggravation of Chronic Pain

In today’s case (Ben-Yosef v. Dasanjh) the Plaintiff was struck in 2011 by the Defendant’s vehicle while crossing a cross-walk.  The Plaintiff suffered from a pre-existing and longstanding chronic pain disorder.    The collision resulted in soft tissue injuries and aggravated the pre-existing condition.

Better understanding brain injury (Ontario)

The stereotypical image of an injured accident victim in a personal injury case involves a person in a wheelchair, wearing a neck collar, with multiple casts on their legs and arms. Their lawyer is pushing the wheelchair from behind, in to a Court room, parading them before a Judge and Jury so that they can get an appreciation of their injuries.

How to be a good friend to a brain injury survivor

During my recovery process, I distanced myself from friends, avoided social situations, and became quite isolated. Every time I heard an insensitive comment (albeit without any malicious intent) or felt pressure to meet an unrealistic expectation, I felt more and more unheard, invalidated, and misunderstood. This caused me to feel emotionally unsafe to share honest and detailed accounts of my struggles and experience. The impact of social isolation was especially hard on me, considering my previously extroverted and lively social life.

Big Data is spying on our doctors

People often ask me if, given my research on pharmaceuticals, I could tell them why every time they go to the doctor, they always end up with another prescription. It’s impossible to answer that in a sound bite because many factors drive prescribing, including marketing, new research, patient demand, physician workloads and so on. The easy answer: it’s complicated.