Author Archives: Admin4

Grejdieru v. Hussein, 2013 ONSC 4558 (CanLII)

Ross v. Hertz Canada, 2013 ONSC 1797 (CanLII)

Stevens and O’Connell et al, 2013 ONSC 2236 (CanLII)

Baines v. Hehar, 2013 CanLII 5515 (ON SC)

Ontario watchdog urged to investigate WSIB

Citing “systematic disregard” for professional medical assessments of injured workers, advocates have asked Ontario’s government watchdog to launch an investigation into the province’s Workplace Safety and Insurance Board.

Read the submission to the Ombudsman:

IBC anticipates more rate reductions from Ontario auto insurers

The average auto insurance premium in Ontario is 7% lower than it was nearly three years ago – when Ontario’s ruling Liberals pledged to cut auto rates by 15% over two years – and an Insurance Bureau of Canada official is expecting more reductions over the next quarter.

Statutory Deductible Confusion

Statutory Deductible – The risk analysis associated with the resolution of ongoing motor vehicle tort claims in Ontario has been turned on its head following the surprising December 8th decision by Justice Martin James of the Ontario Superior Court of Justice in Vickers v. Palacious, 2015 ONSC 7647 (Ont. S.C.).

Every move you make: Privacy expert wary as insurers track drivers

Until recently, what auto insurers know about drivers has been very crude — a few demographic clues, like age and sex, and the occasional driving misdeed that happened to catch a police officer’s eye.

Complaints about doctors rarely lead to formal discipline

Nearly 8,000 Canadians filed a complaint about a physician last year, but on average only about 54 doctors were formally disciplined in each of the past 15 years. Of those complaints, just over half were determined to require no further action.

Psychological Injuries

It can be challenging to examine a claim if it involves a psychiatric or psychological issue. An adjuster may need guidance from professionals with expertise in mental disorders and from court decisions on causation and foreseeability.