Author Archives: Admin4

Aviva Canada/RBC, Economical announcements will impact broker channel, P&C conference speakers suggest

Aviva Canada and RBC Insurance’s recently announced 15-year strategic agreement – which includes Aviva’s $582 million purchase of RBC General Insurance Company – will have implications for those selling retail personal insurance from a broker perspective, suggested speakers at the P&C Crystal Ball 2016 conference on Thursday.

Invasion of Privacy Tort Continues to Develop

In Ontario, conventional wisdom was that invasion of privacy was not something you could sue for. But that is changing, as evidenced by a just released decision of the Ontario Superior Court of Justice called Jane Doe 464533. That decision awarded damages and costs totaling $141,000, plus an order for the defendant to destroy any video or images he may still have, never to share any intimate images of the plaintiff, and to not communicate with the plaintiff or her family.

Defence Expert Criticized for Becoming “an Advocate for the Defence”

In today’s case (Odian v. Carriere) the Plaintiff sustained a chronic neck injury as a result of a collision.  Her symptoms impacted her vocational functioning.  In the course of the lawsuit the Defendant had the Plaintiff assessed by an occupational therapist who conducted a functional capacity evaluation and provided the Court with opinion evidence expressing optimism that a kinesiology program “will likely improve” the Plaintiff’s condition.

MVA victims go to crowd funding to help them through the claims process

Hans Jörg Reichert Defence Fund

Post car accident help

Talking is the best way to start breaking down the barriers associated with mental illness.

Auto insurance rate reductions far from promised target

In November 2014, just months after securing a majority government at the polls, Bill 15, the Fighting Fraud and Reducing Automobile Insurance Rates Act, was passed at Queen’s Park.

Liberals urge patience with 15 per cent car insurance cut: Mayers

Two and half years ago the Liberals set a target for cutting car insurance costs. They missed it, but urge patience, saying more is on the way.

Is State Farm preparing for the end of auto insurance?

Despite wide reports of accidents involving autonomous vehicles, a significant number of industry analysts still expect the cars to become an important part of the US transportation system by 2025. With that, of course, comes a complete transformation – and possible decimation – of the country’s auto insurance industry.

$110,000 Non-Pecuniary Assessment For Chronic C5/6 Disc Herniation

In today’s case (Arletto v. Kin) the Plaintiff was injured in a 2010 head on collision.  The Defendant admitted fault.  The Plaintiff sustained a variety of injuries the most serous of which was a disc herniation in his neck which caused chronic symptoms which adversely affected his career as a longshoreman.


The Standing Committee on Finance and Economic Affairs will meet to conduct Pre-Budget consultations.


Those who do not wish to make an oral presentation but who wish to comment on the issue may send a written submission to the Clerk of the Committee at the address below by 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, February 2, 2016.