Author Archives: Admin4

Ontario finance minister knew in 2014 that auto insurance promise was a challenge

Ontario’s finance minister was hard-pressed Monday to explain why he continued to declare publicly that the government would meet an election pledge to cut auto insurance rates despite being aware that keeping the promise would be challenging.

Benefits Reduction

Changes to Ontario auto insurance, which take effect this June, could well reduce claims costs. But insurance professionals who welcome the changes should be careful what they wish for.

Inconsistent radar testing casts doubt on validity of millions of speeding tickets

Radar equipment is commonly tested for  accuracy using tuning forks — two-pronged metal devices which vibrate when tapped, creating a frequency that mimics a set speed. That speed should be reflected in the radar unit’s reading to make sure it’s working properly. If not, it’s recommended the radar unit be taken out of service and not used for speed enforcement.

Smart cars that share revealing info about drivers catch privacy watchdog’s eye

On-board navigation systems can tell where a vehicle is and where it has been. Electronic components stream data to computers that gauge driver behaviour and the car’s roadworthiness. Vehicles recognize drivers and adjust settings for them. Infotainment systems allow voice and data communications.

Windsor psychiatrist charged with sexual assault barred from being alone with female patients

A CBC television Fifth Estate segment that first aired Friday revealed that Shenava, a dual citizen who commutes to work across the border from his Michigan home, gave up his licence to practice medicine in the United States a decade ago following allegations of alcohol abuse. According to the Fifth Estate investigation, Shenava agreed to permanently surrender his licence rather than face a hearing.

Doctors Without Boundaries

When doctors are accused of crossing ethical or legal boundaries with their female patients, why does it sometimes take so long for authorities to act – if indeed they act at all? And what does it take for a doctor to lose the right to practice medicine in Canada? Bob McKeown investigates doctors who faced discipline by provincial colleges of Physicians and Surgeons. Did those bodies adequately protect patients?

Brokers must advise clients on changes to auto insurance

“It’s important consumers understand that Ontario Auto coverage is changing,” said Jim Murphy, IBAO CEO. “These changes continue the trend of more choice for consumers – products can be tailored to suit individual needs and budget.

Ontario appeal court restores arbitrator’s fault ruling

In reinstating an arbitrator’s original award and overturning a Superior Court of Justice order for a 50-50 fault-split, the Court of Appeal of Ontario has reaffirmed the Fault Determination Rules chart used in insurance matters should override any application of the ordinary rules of tort law.

Plaintiff fails to make at-fault vehicle disappear

In Lambert v Khan, the plaintiff claimed to have suffered very severe and long-lasting whiplash-type injuries in a low speed “bump” in stop and go rush hour traffic along Highway 401 in Toronto while riding as a passenger in a taxi. She claimed that the driver of a white van that allegedly rear-ended the taxi was identified by her taxi driver (Mr. Khan) at the time of the accident, but that the defendant taxi driver subsequently lost the particulars some time before she actually commenced her action almost two years later.

“Anyone having a work related injury, do not go to WSIB’s clinic”

“WSIB sent me to their Altum Clinic. I had a torn meniscus resulting in an unstable knee. I should have had surgery to trim the meniscus but WSIB’s doctor did not recommend it. Within 11 months, my cartiriledge was stripped down to the bone by this damaged meniscus in my knee. I now have advance stage arthritis in the knee largely due (Editor’s Note: this is Sabina’s claim) to this doctor’s negligence. I found out after the fact, unstable knees should have arthroscopy.”