Author Archives: Admin4

Ontario Works mess continues

The new software platform handles Ontario Works and Ontario Disability Support Program files and payments. Glitches in the $240-million system implemented by the province in late 2014 have played havoc with thousands of Ontarians who rely on monthly welfare and disability cheques, and resulted in millions of dollars in overtime payouts.

Terence Corcoran: How Big Brother is riding shotgun in your driverless car

There’s a brave new world coming — the world of the driverless car. It’s coming so fast it might even be at your door by 2020, a transformative and disruptive tech revolution that will make wireless and the Internet look like children’s toys.

Ontario Making Hospital Parking More Affordable

Between now and October 1, 2016, hospitals will work directly with their Patient and Family Advisory Councils to implement this new policy, ensuring that it is well promoted and easy to understand. Each hospital will provide details on its specific parking policy and discounts.

Regular use of a Truck Includes Recreational Tailgate Diving

In Roberts v. Intact Insurance Company (FSCO A14-002957), Arbitrator Musson found that Intact was responsible for the payment of accident benefits to a young woman who had injured herself while diving into a shallow lake, with a considerable amount of alcohol in her system, from the tailgate of a stationary pick up truck, sometime after 2 a.m.

$80,000 Non-Pecuniary Assessment for Chronic and Permanent Low Back Injury

In today’s case (Gunson v. Sekhon) the Plaintiff was involved in a 2010 collision caused by the Defendant.  The plaintiff suffered a chronic and permanent low back injury.  The lingering symptoms caused some difficulties for the Plaintiff at work but did not outright disable him.

Unlocking the concept of diminished value

Toronto, Ontario — January 15, 2016 — The first Guild 21 conference call of the new year took place Thursday afternoon. On the call was Kevin Gardiner of Auto Club Enterprises. He unpacked the concept of diminished value (DV) for listeners and warned that small claims courts cases involving the concept are on the rise in the US.

Watch Your Wallet: 3 Common Auto Insurance Scams to Avoid

There’s always someone waiting to take your hard-earned cash in a scam or scheme. Insurance scams are common, and this includes auto insurance scams.

Tips on completing the OCF-18 Treatment Plan so you can get the treatment you deserve (Ontario)

After a serious car or motorcycle accident, chances are you will need a wide variety of treatment. Some of that treatment will be covered by Ontario’s OHIP Healtcare System. That means if you have a valid Ontario Health Card, it will be FREE.  Seeing a medical doctor (not a chiropractor or a psychologist), a hospital visit, and even treatment through the Community Care Access System (CCAC) is all covered. This is fantastic news for accident victims, especially when you compare healthcare in Canada vs. health care costs for our neighbours south of the border.

Manitoba sets new rule banning non-prescription codeine

In a move hailed by drug-safety experts as “bold” and “precedent-setting,” Manitoba’s College of Pharmacists announced plans on Tuesday to ban non-prescription sales of codeine — one of Canada’s most popular, and addictive, painkillers.

Draft By-Law Amendment: Posting of Quality Assurance Committee SCERPs

As a result of Phase 2 of our Transparency initiative, when the CPSO requires an Ontario doctor to undergo a Specified Continuing Education or Remediation Program (SCERP)1, which is generally done in a moderate-to-high risk situation, the SCERP is published on the doctor’s profile on ourPublic Register. However, this currently applies to SCERPs arising from our Inquiries, Complaints, & Reports Committee (ICRC) only. It does not apply to those arising from our Quality Assurance (QA) Committee.

FEEDBACK by February 12, 2016