Author Archives: Admin4

BC Supreme Court Criticizes Defense Doctor Who “Crosses the Line”

In today’s case (Bricker v. Danyk) the Plaintiff was involved in a 2011 collision and sustained physical injuries with psychological repercussions.  The Defense hired a doctor who minimized the connection of the Plaintiff’s psychological difficulties to the collision.

Consumers receptive to self-driving cars: Study

Toronto, Ontario — December 21, 2015 — A new study from a French investment bank finds that drivers seem amenable to giving up the reins when it comes to driving. The emergence of automated vehicles will lead to reduced injuries and better vehicle care, and so will be welcomed by consumers, or so says a major study of consumer habits published by French bank BNP Paribas.

Putting Scientific Peer Review in the Courtroom

“Judges are expected to distinguish the scientific wheat from the pseudoscientific chaff. Yet most judges do not have the ability to fulfill this responsibility adequately. They have little or no background in science. Indeed, many went to law school because they were straight-A students in history or sociology but had no appetite for biology or statistics. As a practical matter, judges have largely failed in carrying out their responsibilities to evaluate the science offered in their courtrooms.”

Referral Madness?

Rules are in place governing referral fees, but it’s a grey area.

Potential conflicts in lawyers’ fees

A class action suit over Sony’s PlayStation 4 reveals the importance of knowing how your lawyer is being paid

Police caught colluding with tows

Three Peel Region officers have been busted in recent years for colluding with the same tow truck driver and accused fraudster, an ongoing Star investigation into police misconduct has found.

Personal Injury Lawyers Cannot “Stack” Contingency Fees After Being Fired

In today’s case (Holness Law Group Professional Law Corporation v. Mann) the client was injured in 4 vehicle collisions and retained a lawfirm to advance her claims.  Before conclusion she discharged her initial lawyer and hired new counsel.  The claims were subsequently settled and a contingency fee of 30% was charged.  The client took no issue with the reasonableness of the global fee but a disagreement arose as to how much the first lawyer was entitled to.

Limitation Periods in Long Term Disability Claims challenged by RBC Life Insurance at Ontario Court of Appeal

Not too long ago, the Toronto Injury Lawyer Blog focused on limitation periods in the context of Long Term Disability Claims, and how insurers will delay, delay, delay such that enough time has passed that they could ask the Court to dismiss your claim. Delay is the enemy of a Plaintiff and the friend of an insurer.

Auto claim season arrives … behind schedule

Canadian insurers may have spoken too soon, with winter storms in the Prairies spike claim numbers overnight and ruining industry hopes for a slow season from coast to coast to coast.–behind-schedule-201093.aspx

Ontario’s traumatized first responders are still waiting for recognition

Three years after a report on workplace PTSD, and almost a year after promising swift action during a provincial conference on the crisis, Ontario has yet to pass or even bring forward a promised bill recognizing the importance of ensuring people get recognition, coverage and treatment for mental illness.