Author Archives: Admin4

Canadians see auto insurance costs shift based on address

Each year, millions of Canadians may be concerned with their auto insurance costs, and want to know all the factors that go into setting those premiums. While the obvious things like the make, model, age of the car, or the person’s driving record will obviously come into the picture, what many people might not know is that other factors – including where they live – are also considered by insurers.

BC Court of Appeal – Jury Trial OK in Case With 40 Expert Reports

In today’s case (Rados v. Pannu) the Plaintiff alleged serious injuries as a result of a motor vehicle collision including “a traumatic brain injury; a vestibular injury that has impaired the appellant’s balance and induced bouts of nausea, dizziness and vomiting; various musculoligamentous and other physical injuries; and, a major depressive disorder”.

Courts ‘taking a harder line’ on vexatious lawsuits

The Ontario Court of Appeal’s recent adoption of guidelines for the interpretation of a relatively new rule against vexatious proceedings is a welcome addition to the ongoing battle against such actions, lawyers say.

Ontario Ministry of Finance recommends new FSCO regulations

The creation of a new regulatory for the insurance industry in Ontario has been mooted, but can this new body help to lower auto insurance premiums in the province, or will it merely add to the feeling of over regulation in Canada’s most populated region.

PIPEDA Report of Findings #2015-003 – Consent provided during application for benefits allows insurer to share client’s personal information with third-party broker

Couple of other articles on the subject of consent forms

Exploring the Limits

A ruling by Ontario’s Superior Court of Justice offers an opportunity to rediscover the court’s approach to the commencement of limitation period in motor vehicle accident litigation. It suggests the discovery of a non-pecuniary claim in connection with a motor vehicle accident is highly dependent on the availability of credible evidence to establish the seriousness of the plaintiff’s injuries.

Bank on Resistance

Brokers are redoubling their efforts to inform MPs across the country that, when it comes to selling insurance, the current approach in the Bank Act should be maintained. As has always been the case, they argue that allowing banks to sell insurance at the point of granting credit is not in the best interests of consumers.

Redefining Catastrophic

For Ontario auto claimants injured in collisions on or after June 1, 2016, new criteria will apply to catastrophic impairment. And while the criteria for psychiatric and psychological impairment will change, claims will still be able to combine psychiatric and physical impairments.

Why your family doctor is so important to your personal injury or long term disability claim (Ontario)

Over the past few months, we have seen a war play out in the media between Ontario doctors and the Ontario government. Doctors and the province have been operating without a proper contract in place for quite some time. Neither side can agree to terms. Ontario unilaterally cut doctor fees, along with certain billing codes. The result is that it has presented a cut to Ontario’s thousands of doctors. Doctors are fighting this in Court by way of Charter challenge. It’s pretty interesting to see the public relations battle play out in the media. Not to mention that Ontario doctors are actually launching a Charter challenge, which gets any lawyer excited.

Ontario worst place to get a quick appointment with a family doctor, report says

Health Quality Ontario says only 44 per cent of residents can get same-day or next-day appointments with a primary care provider, the lowest performance out of 10 countries of similar social and economic status.