Author Archives: Admin4

ICBC asking for 5.5% increase to basic insurance rates

The Insurance Corporation of British Columbia (ICBC) said that it will submit the remainder of its 2015 basic rate application on Thursday, asking for a 5.5% increase to basic insurance rates – lower than the earlier potential for 6.7% considered in late August.

Renewed Faith

Two recent judgements in Canada indicate Canadian courts are taking a conservative approach on punitive damages in bad faith claims lawsuits against insurance companies

Effectively Navigating Injuries and Disabilities: What Benefits are Available to Employees who have been victims of a Motor Vehicle Accident?

What happens when an injured employee approaches you for advice on how to proceed with benefits? How does the person decide whether to proceed by way of tort claim and accident benefits and/or long term disability and short term disability and/or WSIB? In order to help the injured employee decide, you must understand how the benefits offset and work against, and potentially with, one another, such that the potential benefits of proceeding one way or another can be understood.

Wynne’s health-care prescription absurd

If Wynne follows through on a still confidential discussion paper, obtained by the Toronto Sun, that proposes radical changes in how Ontario residents are treated by their GPs, it won’t be long before patients are assigned to another costly form of bureaucracy called Patient Care Groups (run by more administrators) based on where they live.

Incompetent Liberals undermining health care

We’ve said before that Ontario’s health ministry is the place where competence goes to die.

In recent years we’ve learned that if it wasn’t blowing $1 billion not delivering electronic patient records, it was wasting hundreds of millions of dollars in the Ornge air ambulance scandal.|%20EDITORIAL%20|%20Editorial%20|%20Opinion%20|#.VhmvIuUKm08.mailto

One province paving the way to sue impaired drivers

Saskatchewan Government Insurance (SGI) has taken the lead following decades of demands from within the industry and the public, proposing changes which would make it easier for victims to sue impaired drivers.

$14,000 Non-Pecuniary Assessment Following “Mild to Moderate” Soft Tissue Injuries

In today’s case (Zhibawi v. Anslow) the Plaintiff was involved in a minor collision caused by the Defendant.  The Defendant acknowledged fault but argued the collision was so minor no injury could have been sustained.  The Court rejected this argument.  The court did, however, have some difficulties with the Plaintiff’s privately retained expert witness noting his opinions “did not comply with the duty” owed to the Court.  Mr. Justice Williams did conclude that the Plaintiff suffered ‘mild to moderate’ soft tissue injuries.

Ontario Appoints Advisor on Auto Insurance and Pensions David Marshall to Help Reduce Auto Insurance Costs and Support ORPP Implementation

Ontario is appointing David Marshall as Advisor on auto insurance and pensions, starting Feb. 1, 2016. As an advisor to the Minister of Finance, Marshall will provide recommendations to the government on further ways to reduce auto insurance costs in Ontario, as well as guidance on implementing the Ontario Retirement Pension Plan (ORPP).
Marshall has served as the President and CEO of the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB) for the last six years. Marshall will apply the expertise he developed at WSIB in active claims management practices to identify additional opportunities for auto insurance reform. The goal of these reforms is to lead to better health outcomes, lower costs and more affordable insurance premiums.

IBC congratulates David Marshall on recent appointment

“On behalf of IBC and its members, I would like to extend my sincere congratulations to David Marshall,” saidDon Forgeron, President & CEO, IBC. “We look forward to working with him on the challenges facing Ontario’sauto insurance system and how, together, we can provide Ontarians with an affordable and sustainable auto insurance product.”

David Marshall to serve as advisor on auto reforms to Ontario’s finance minister

Having served the last six years as president and CEO of the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB), Marshall brings to his new post expertise in active claims management practices that can be employed to identify additional opportunities for auto insurance reform.