Author Archives: Admin4

BC court sets new auto insurance precedent

British Columbia’s highest court has decided that passengers riding in a motor vehicle can qualify as engaging in “use” of the car, a distinction which could have “repercussions for the auto insurance industry.”

Canadian auto personal accident benefits loss ratio highest since 2010: A.M. Best

The loss ratio, in personal accident benefits for Canadian private auto insurers, rose sharply in 2014, but changes made in Ontario are starting to work their way through the system, an analyst from A.M. Best Company Inc. told insurance professionals Thursday in Toronto.

WSIB lawsuit: Fired hospital worker details struggles after losing his claim

An injured hospital worker who says his claim was denied by the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board — despite backup from a doctor who allegedly provided a medical opinion in his favour — is going public with how he struggled to earn a living after losing his job.\

Fired Hamilton doctor sues WSIB over “fraud upon the public”

Dr. Brenda Steinnagel, 50, is alleging in her statement of claim that she was terminated last April after the WSIB repeatedly demanded that her employer, Vaughan-based Workplace Health and Cost Solutions, change the medical opinion she authored on a hospital worker who was claiming benefits after suffering head injuries while trying to restrain a patient.

Ontario government deals another blow to injured Ontario motorists with the Common Traffic Impairment Guideline

Prior to September 2010, car crash victims had up to $100,000.00 in available coverage for rehabilitation. To be clear, insurance companies weren’t writing cheques to claimants in this amount. The funds were only available for reasonable and necessary treatment to aid in recovery. Seldom were the limits reached.

Brain damage detection rests on progress in blood testing

Broken bones show up on X-rays, torn muscles on an MRI. But a concussion can’t yet be detected by an easy diagnostic test. Some of the world’s best experts hope that will change soon enough.

Ontario psychiatrist’s licence on the line after alleged romantic relationship with third patient

Porter, 66, who lives in Grimsby and has a practice in St. Catharines, denies the allegations by Ontario’s medical regulator of misconduct and sexual abuse during his care of the woman between 2008 and 2012. His tribunal, which adjourned last week until November, has yet to hear closing arguments.

Ontario Health Coalition

Take Action to Protect Public Healthcare

Send a letter to Health Minister Dr. Eric Hoskins to tell him to Stop cutting our local hospitals and contracting out clinical services to private clinics.


In Ontario, car insurance is mandatory.  As a result, most Ontarians are forced to buy the exact same policy from one of over 100 different insurance companies.  Although some options are available, 99% of motorists drive with the exact same insurance policy.  Since 1990, successive governments have made changes to the car insurance laws in the hope of protecting both consumers and insurance companies. However, the most recent changes have focused on cost cutting for insurers at the expense of those injured in car crashes.

2014 saw a sizeable rise in the loss ratio in personal accident benefits

Speaking to insurance specialists in Toronto on Thursday, A.M. Best Company Inc. analyst Joel Silverthorn discussed the initiative undertaken by the liberal Ontarian government to reduce auto insurance costs. At the same time the government also promised to reduce the costs for auto insurance companies by lowering the mandatory rate for accident benefits.