Author Archives: Admin4

Province issues insurance award changes after cat injury scandal

The Nova Scotia government has announced that it is implementing new policies intended to reform the way it handles insurance settlements for recipients who require extensive care.

Revised Certificate of Automobile Insurance Form and Data Elements

Consumer Disclosure Addition in 2016

FSCO is forming a Reform Information Working Group (Group), comprised of FSCO staff and representatives of the insurance industry to develop a point-of-sale disclosure document intended to inform consumers of their new coverage choices as of June 1, 2016. Insurers will be required to include the document with new business and policy renewals effective on or after June 1, 2016.

The Neuro Show

Coming up in September! Coming up in September! The Neuro Show, hosted by Sarah Palmer, is a program all about brain injury and breaking the barriers and is brought to you by NeuroConnect and The Disability Network. Join us as we meet inspiring survivors and experts in rehabilitation and learn about the latest technology, research, advocacy and political news.

How paralyzed patients are able to stand again

(CNN)In what’s being hailed as a breakthrough in spinal cord injury research, four men paralyzed from the chest down have risen from their wheelchairs on their own volition and effort.

Doctors and their legal bills

It’s tragic when mistakes are made and settlements should be paid out promptly. However subjecting doctors, who are only human, to public humiliation and shaming is counterproductive and does not lead to the kind of changes that prevent future errors.

Is it time for no-fault medical insurance?

HALIFAX—If Canadians knew millions of their tax dollars were being spent to defend physicians against claims of medical error that have left patients injured or dead, they would call it “perverse,” says Elaine Gibson.

Food bank use grows in Toronto’s suburbs, drops in city core

Food bank usage is growing in Toronto’s suburbs and falling in the city’s downtown core, according to a report released today by the Daily Bread food bank.

Canada Social Assistance Summaries 2014

FSCO Willing to Adopt New Minor Injuries Treatment Protocols

A six year process of compiling new minor injury treatment protocols could be close to fruition with the FSCO currently in a consultation process with stakeholders before implementing the guidelines.


Ranked: yearly auto insurance costs by province

In drawing the comparisons, Deloitte used the weighted average of auto insurance costs in an urban center and a rural center of each province. The rates were based on a pool of ten car models, drivers and coverages, accounting for vehicle popularity and the province’s demographics.