Author Archives: Admin4

Doctor admits mistake, judge agrees, but couple still fighting for money

For many Canadians even the most compelling stories of medical negligence and error face low odds of success when patients with limited resources stand across from top lawyers paid by the CMPA’s $3.2-billion fund.

Hard road for car crash victims

Only victims who can establish they have suffered a “permanent serious impairment of an important physical, mental or psychological function” are entitled to sue to recover damages not covered by no-fault accident benefits.

The alarming trend behind increased auto premiums

Brokers should be advised: troublesome market conditions may be just around the corner, if a disturbing trend in the U.S. starts becoming more prevalent domestically.

Social Justice: Judge makes worthy but failed attempt at behaviour modification

The costs decision of Superior Court Justice Fred Myers in Saleh v. Nebel is a worthy but failed attempt at behaviour modification. The plaintiff commenced litigation in respect of injuries suffered during a motor vehicle accident. In finding that the plaintiff had failed to satisfy the threshold of a serious and permanent disfigurement or impairment, the judge concluded the plaintiff “will break the law and lie for money” and had “grossly exaggerated his pain.”

Stiff Sentencing for Brampton “Staged Collison Ring” Sends a Strong Message

TORONTO, Sept. 14, 2015 /CNW/ – A five-year jail sentence was handed to Constable Carlton Watson, a 23-year veteran of the Peel Regional Police force, for defrauding insurance companies. The Superior Court in Brampton convicted Constable Watson of multiple counts of fraud and other charges in connection with nine insurance claims dating back to 2010. Insurance Bureau of Canada (IBC) applauds the court for sending a clear message with this stiff sentence.

Aviva Canada announces three separate fraud cases in Toronto area

The Greater Toronto Area (GTA) continues to be the epicentre of insurance fraud, which contributes to higher insurance premiums for Ontarians, Aviva Canada said on Friday after announcing three separate cases in the region.

Aviv Canada says Toronto car insurance fraud remains rife

Ontario is a hotbed of car insurance fraud. It is something the industry acknowledges, the government attempts to regulate, and the consumer unfortunately accepts. The Greater Toronto Area (GTA) is the epicenter of insurance fraud within Ontario and indeed Canada as a nation, something Aviv Canada reiterated on Friday.

Auto rate hike prompts renewed calls for privatized insurance

After the Insurance Corporation of British Columbia (ICBC) announced that it may seek a 6.7% increase in basic auto insurance rates, public opinion quickly turned on the provincial crown corporation.

Autonomous vehicles to make manufacturers liable not owners

Auto insurance experts say that autonomous cars could be subject to different insurance rules whereby the vehicle manufacturer is liable in the event of an accident and not the consumer.

The deck is stacked against injured MVA victims if they choose litigation

Unlike other types of litigation in Ontario, personal injury actions arising from motor vehicle accidents are stacked against plaintiffs from the beginning.