Author Archives: Admin4

Distressed clients pose health risks for law firms

The phone rings. Dana the receptionist answers. She’s alerted to the voice of someone in distress. She doesn’t even realize she is holding her breath as she listens to a daughter describe a tragic car accident. The scene was horrific: vehicles crunched beyond recognition, enduring agonizing injuries while waiting to be rescued, and recent news that her mother did not survive her injuries; the daughter was driving. The caller does not get to the injuries caused to others before asking to speak to a lawyer. The receptionist refers the call.

Study shows drivers overpay for car insurance in Ontario

A recent study conducted by the Ontario Trial Lawyers Association shows that drivers in Ontario have overpaid for their car insurance between 2001 and 2013. The study revealed that consumers had handed over between $3 billion and $4 billion above what was required through a 12 year period.

Does Allstate’s patent for privacy-invading telematics go too far?

Whereas brokers once heralded telematics as a consumer-friendly product instrumental to client acquisition, a new development may have them questioning that original assessment.

Basic Income Is Just What the Doctor Ordered

Basic income is an approach to poverty reduction that is much simpler and more streamlined than existing programs. Every year, Canadians file taxes. With basic income, if their incomes fall below a certain level, they get topped up to an amount sufficient to meet basic needs. Basic income is a smart alternative to costly social assistance programs, helping overcome the “welfare wall” that traps too many people in the cycle of poverty.

Why many drivers in China intentionally kill the pedestrians they hit

It seems like a crazy urban legend: In China, drivers who have injured pedestrians will sometimes then try to kill them. And yet not only is it true, it’s fairly common; security cameras have regularly captured drivers driving back and forth on top of victims to make sure that they are dead.

Tracy Morgan received $90 million to settle crash lawsuit: Reports

Comedian Tracy Morgan reportedly received a $90 million settlement in a lawsuit stemming from his involvement in a fatal car crash last summer.

New Catastrophic Impairment Definition To Be Introduced June 2016

The Ontario government has finally amended the SABS definition of catastrophic impairment.

The government’s 2010 auto insurance reforms included recommendations most seriously injured accident victims. The government directed FSCO to consult with the medical community to amend the definition of catastrophic impairment as set out in the Statutory Accident Benefits Schedule.

In 2010 FSCO announced the appointment of Dr. Pierre Côté as Chair of the Catastrophic Impairment Expert Panel.  The Panel submitted it’s recommendations to the FSCO Superintendent in the spring of 2011.  In December 2011, the Superintendent submitted his report to the government.

The new definition is effective for accidents on and after June 1, 2016.

Anti-ICBC sentiment strong

The poll asked, “Should ICBC be privatized?” Of the 4,344 people who responded, 3,182 said it should be privatized while only 1,162 felt it shouldn’t.

Required gun insurance would put two powerful lobbies at odds. We’d benefit

If you alone are not strong enough to vanquish your opponent, you must find someone who is – and then find a way to set them against each other

CHANGES TO Catastrophic impairment – important new legislation coming into effect June 1, 2016