Author Archives: Admin4

Ontario auto insurance rates increased in last quarter of 2017

Auto insurance rates in Ontario increased in the last quarter of 2017, putting the Liberal government further away from its promise to cut rates by 15 per cent.
Fourth quarter numbers released today by the Financial Services Commission of Ontario show an average increase of about one per cent.

TTC stop under review after woman struck and killed after getting off bus

A 21-year-old student was hit by a minivan after trying to cross a high speed roadway from a TTC bus stop on Steeles Ave. E.., 200 metres away from the closest signalized intersection, with no sidewalk.

Project ECHO Ontario Chronic Pain and Opioid Stewardship at UHN

Management of chronic pain patients by Ontario physicians is often challenging due to large number of complex pain cases, lack of specialist access and minimal training of frontline care providers in chronic pain. In April 2014 Project ECHO (Extension for Community Healthcare Outcomes) Ontario was launched to address this problem by supporting primary care providers in management of their complex chronic pain patients. ECHO has linked with over 150 care providers and over 50 primary care sites since launching this initiative.


In complicated pain conditions there are two kinds of pain: bearable and unbearable. Most of the time it is the latter. This can be incredibly hard for loved one to comprehend. There are no breaks or moments of respite in CRPS. None. The pain is constant, swiftly making you forget what pain-free or comfortable ever felt like.

Premier Invites Public to Bring Their Questions to Ottawa Town Hall

Premier Kathleen Wynne is traveling across Ontario to hear from people on the issues that matter most to them. Following engaging town hall meetings in Toronto and Brampton, where the Premier answered questions on everything from cannabis to auto insurance and the rising minimum wage, Premier Wynne will next host an open forum in Ottawa on January 18.

LSO approves working group’s recommendations

Recommendations adopted by a recent Law Society of Ontario (LSO) convocation — and provided to the government —will make contingency fees and how they are structured more “consumer friendly,” Hamilton personal injury lawyer Andrew Spurgeon tells

LAT Determines that Mistaken Payments Do Not Give Rise to Argue Equitable Estoppel

This was a reconsideration by Executive Chair Linda Lamoureux of a LAT adjudicator’s decision in the case, Y.D. v. Aviva Insurance Canada. In this reconsideration, the applicant claimed that the Tribunal should have applied the equitable doctrine of estoppel by convention to require Aviva to continue to pay her attendant care benefits (“ACBs”).

The Injured Worker: Living In The Shadow Of Chronic Pain

Activism is not about just protesting it literally drives me because I can’t work and I’m in poverty and I’ve dealt with systems like mine that’s given me the runaround. I need to influence politicians or at least influence their constituents so the next time there is an election maybe a die hard liberal who’s an injured worker won’t vote liberal next time. Right? I want to demonstrate to those die hard conservative or liberal what your party has done for injured workers.” — Kevin Jones

7 Common Eye Symptoms after Concussion

For those who have experienced any type of head trauma that results in a concussion or post-concussion syndrome, you probably are well aware that there can be numerous eye-related problems that result. Eye symptoms are a frequent side effect of a concussion, and studies have found that vision problems may affect 69% to 82% of concussed patients, regardless of age. Among adolescents, nearly half had been clinically diagnosed with more than one eye symptom as result of their concussion

Auto insurer defence lawyer says injured woman “too pretty to be sick”

Read the full decision S.P. and RBC General A16-000329

Ms. Aliza Karoly for S.P.

Mr. Harry Brown for RBC General Insurance Company

At an earlier time in the Applicant’s claim, the Insurer’s lawyer stated the “Applicant looked too pretty to be sick.”…

The Insurer questioned the Applicant as to some photographs that she was in.  As part of the Insurer’s evidence, it produced pictures of a Toronto Sun Sunshine girl posing in a costume.  The Insurer asked the Applicant how she was able to pose for pictures as part of a Sunshine Girl photoshoot while she claimed to be suffering from the medical issues.  The Applicant replied much to the surprise of Insurer’s counsel that it was not her in these pictures, it was another girl.  At the same time that this revelation took place, it was noted that Insurer’s counsel, Mr. Brown, swore an affidavit affirming this Sunshine girl to be the Applicant when it was proven to be someone else.  This photo and others that were not of the Applicant were sent to many witnesses as evidence, when in fact it was not the Applicant in the pictures.[4]….

Further, the conduct and borderline harassment demonstrated by the Insurer as it related to some witnesses that the Insurer called is rarely ever seen.  The Insurer had its investigator attempt to serve witnesses in a hostile and confrontational manner, including threatening to have witnesses arrested if they did not comply with their summons.  In addition, the Insurer used photocopied pre-signed summonses to serve individuals, which did not afford an Arbitrator or FSCO the opportunity to oversee who was being summonsed and why.  It left the Insurer with unchecked power in which it overstepped its bounds on numerous occasions.  Insurer’s counsel misled the court when requesting a bench warrant and stated before the court that a witness failed to attend this Hearing when in fact Mr. Brown knew that this was false.