Author Archives: Admin4

Settlement loans relieve pressure on personal injury victims

Litigation funding can help personal injury victims through one of the most difficult periods of their lives, says Mickey Mingov, the founder and managing director of CaseMark Financial.

The financial services company aims to fill the financial gaps that can quickly develop in the finances of individuals when they enter the litigation process after suffering an injury.

OPSEU denounces prosecutions download

Toronto – The Ontario Public Service Employees Union (OPSEU) is expressing grave concern over the Ontario government’s new ability to download the most serious non-criminal provincial offences, known as Part III offences, to the municipalities.

Look both ways: Ontario seeks to allow testing of driverless cars

Ontario drivers could soon find themselves motoring along the highway next to a car with no one in the driver’s seat.

The province’s Liberal government is proposing to change the rules of its 10-year automated vehicle pilot project to allow for driverless testing. Currently, the testing of fully autonomous vehicles is only allowed with a driver behind the wheel, but the government is seeking public comment on a proposal to scrap that requirement.

Canadians not embracing telematics because of confusion over value and data

While telematics devices has been widely adopted in some countries, Canadian motorists are not warming to the technology. Despite the face telematics and usage based insurance can reduce premiums, many customers are concerned about privacy and security, the CEO of Kanetix said this week.

Psychedelics and PTSD Treatment

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is an increasingly recognized mental health condition that occurs following a terrifying event or trauma. Once we associated it only with the most extreme traumas that soldiers would suffer in battle, but we have no accepted that many forms of trauma like car accidents, childhood abuse, or other accidents can leave someone with PTSD.

What is Massage Cupping?

Massage cupping is essentially the inverse of the typical massage therapy. Instead of exerting pressure on the different points of the body for healing, massage cupping uses suction to tug the skin, tissues and muscles upwards. In contemporary times, massage cupping is seen as an effective, non-invasive, inexpensive and safe form of treatment that can be used by itself or in combination with other forms of therapeutic approaches.

Insurance Companies, motor vehicle accidents and therapy

I am writing this out of complete and utter frustration and disbelief that there are insurance companies out there informing their clients incorrect information and lies. After reading an excellent article in the Globe and Mail written by Kathy Tomlinson which exposes how doctors profit from injury assessments that benefit insurers, I have come across more corruption.

Personal injury cases and social media

Toronto personal injury lawyer Paul Cahill cautions clients about the use of social media when they are involved in litigation because any information they post can impact the outcome of their case.

Canada: Denying Disability Benefits: Good Faith And The Limitation Period

On December 21, 2017, the Supreme Court of Canada denied leave to appeal the Ontario Court of Appeal case of Usanovic v. La Capitale Financial Security Insurance Company, 2017 ONCA 395. The Ontario Court of Appeal had rejected the plaintiff’s attempt to broaden of the duty of good faith on insurers, and clarified the test of when an insurer can rely on a limitation period defence in a claim for disability benefits. Disability insurers across Canada will breathe easier in 2018, given the Supreme Court’s denial of leave to appeal. It is difficult to understate the impact of a reversal of the Court of Appeal decision, as a significant number of denials would likely have been reopened and litigated.

LSO approves working group’s recommendations

Recommendations adopted by a recent Law Society of Ontario (LSO) convocation — and provided to the government —will make contingency fees and how they are structured more “consumer friendly,” Hamilton personal injury lawyer Andrew Spurgeon tells