Author Archives: Admin4

CPP Benefit Claims – Does Choosing Your Own Doctor Affect Your Success?

Any person who makes a claim for Canada Pension Plan (CPP) disability benefits must supply medical evidence that he or she has a “disability” within the governing legislative definition. This is routinely done through expert evidence provided by a qualified, impartial doctor to whom the claimant has been referred by other treating physicians.

Being on social assistance draws more spite than race, colour, gender . . . but not more than being Muslim: survey

According to an Ontario Human Rights Commission survey released Friday, one in five Ontarians have negative feelings against those on social assistance, surpassing their unfavourable views against all other groups, except Muslims, who were disliked by 21 per cent of the respondents.

David Marshall’s report on auto insurance, Fair Benefits Fairly Delivered.

Attempts by the province of Ontario to fix auto insurance could well end up causing more harm than good to the health care system.
Now, that’s not how it’s supposed to work. And that’s nobody’s intention. But we’d all have to live with the result.

Reevely: Years after saying they would, Ontario’s Liberals get serious about cutting car-insurance premiums

Ontario car-insurance prices will drop starting next year, Finance Minister Charles Sousa promised Tuesday, really, he means it this time.

The plan includes set-piece treatment plans for common injuries that should reduce fights over what insurance companies pay out, independent medical assessments to replace duelling doctors’ opinions, and making it harder for injured people’s lawyers to pocket big contingency fees after securing settlements.

Editorial: Don’t trust Wynne on car insurance

In 2013, Premier Kathleen Wynne promised to cut auto insurance rates for Ontario’s 9.7 million drivers by an average of 15 per cent annually by August, 2015. Upon failing to achieve that promise — the government today claims rates are 6.6 per cent lower compared to 2013 — Wynne shrugged off her original commitment as a “stretch goal.” In other words, a commitment she knew would be hard to keep when she made it.

Bill Kelly: Government misses the mark on auto insurance again

Well, here we go again; the provincial government says it’s going to clean up Ontario’s broken auto insurance system.

We pay among the highest auto insurance rates in  Canada and for those sky-high rates, we get the worst service.

Commentary from Brian Goldfinger on the “Fair Auto Insurance Plan” in Ontario

On December 5, 2017, Ontario Finance Minister Charles Sousa along with Attorney General Yasir Naqvi announced another set of major reforms to car insurance in Ontario. This set of reforms has a grandiose name, much like all of the other reforms which have been introduced in the 14+ years of Wynne rule in Ontario.

Is An Expert Diagnosis Required to Prove Mental Injury?

In an action for negligence, a plaintiff may make a claim for mental injury resulting from the defendant’s conduct. For years, the common law has struggled with the question of whether the plaintiff needs to tender expert evidence to prove that she has suffered a recognized mental illness. A 2017 decision of the Supreme Court of Canada, Saadati v. Moorehead, 2017 SCC 28, puts this question to rest and reflects an important evolution regarding the legal treatment and understanding of mental injury.

Mixed news for plaintiffs following coffee spill victory

A woman’s success in proving her entitlement to accident benefits following a coffee spill brings good and bad news for plaintiffs, Windsor personal injury lawyer Gino Paciocco tells

In a recent Court of Appeal decision, the unanimous three-judge panel upheld a motion judge’s ruling that the woman was involved in an “accident” as defined by the Statutory Accident Benefits Schedule (SABS) when the hot drink she ordered at a drive-through spilled all over her lower body, causing serious burns.

Specialist wait times up in Canada: study

VANCOUVER — A new study says Canadians are waiting longer than ever for specialist treatment, but one health research organization says most patients are receiving key procedures within acceptable time frames.

The Fraser Institute released its annual report Thursday on queues for specialist visits and diagnostic and surgical procedures. It is based on surveys of about 2,400 physicians from 12 specialties including orthopedic surgery and radiation oncology.