Author Archives: Admin4

Provincial crackdown on auto insurance fraud a step ahead

The government said Tuesday that it will develop standard treatment plans for common collision injuries such as sprains and whiplash, create independent and neutral examination centres to provide medical assessments for more serious injuries, and ensure that contingency fees set by lawyers are fair and transparent.–provincial-crackdown-on-auto-insurance-fraud-a-step-ahead.html

EDITORIAL: Don’t trust Wynne on car insurance

In 2013, Premier Kathleen Wynne promised to cut auto insurance rates for Ontario’s 9.7 million drivers by an average of 15% annually by August, 2015.Upon failing to achieve that promise — the government today claims rates are 6.6% lower compared to 2013 —  Wynne shrugged off her original commitment as a “stretch goal.”

Picking Up Pieces

Lawyers say expert bias still significant problem

In Sopher v. Primmum Insurance, an arbitrator for the Financial Services Commission of Ontario ruled in favour of an insurance claimant and discarded testimony of two experts retained by the insurance company, finding one of them had actively promoted the insurer’s case.

Investigation Reveals Bias in Independent Medical Examinations

In many situations, the doctor has never seen the claimant in person and has simply conducted a “paper review” by evaluating the person’s medical file. Many doctors’ reports are rejected by judges and arbitrators for providing biased, erroneous and incorrect assessments of claimants. Yet, despite criticism in some cases, these doctors continue to be used in countless others.

Looking under the hood

Ontario’s mandatory automobile insurance system is deeply flawed—costs are out of control and benefits are not being delivered in a timely, conflict-free manner

‘Double-dipping’ lawyers targeted in law society crackdown

Ontario’s legal regulator is asking Queen’s Park to change the law so that it can crack down on unscrupulous practices and make the contingency fee system — “you don’t pay unless we win” — more transparent and fair.

Applicant suffers complete inability to Carry on normal life – Awarded NEBs – LM v Gore Mutual Insurance Company, LAT 16-003772

LM was a pedestrian struck in a car accident on December 21, 2015.  She sustained fractures to her right wrist and a right hip requiring surgery. She applied for SABs to Gore who paid LM weekly NEBs from June 2, 2016 up to August 8, 2016, at which point it denied LM was entitled to any further NEBs. When mediation failed LM applied for arbitration to the LAT.

William Watson: The PC in Ontario PCs apparently now stands for ‘Populism’s Correct’

Stephen Gordon’s column this week in the National Post, on how “The Economist Party” has had a big influence on the federal Liberals, had me feeling pretty good about my profession. I might quibble that we were more influential with the Mulroney Tories, who took economists’ advice on both free trade and the GST, and the Chrétien-Martin Liberals, who restored federal fiscal sanity, while, by contrast, 21st-century Liberals have wobbled badly on deficits, if not yet debts. But the idea of economics-based policy, preferable even to evidence-based policy, warms the heart of someone who has been pushing it for four decades now.

Outcome of litigation in NFLD has no impact on SABs benefits in Ontario – HS and HS v Northbridge Lat 16-000915

In the early morning hours of July 12, 2013, the lives of two young men were dramatically altered when the tractor trailer they were operating was involved in an accident. H. S. was driving. SH was asleep in the bunk behind the driver. H. S. testified that he swerved to avoid a moose on the highway. He lost control of the vehicle and his next memory was waking up in hospital. SH remembers waking up on the roadway being attended by a passerby who had pulled him from the vehicle. As a result of the accident, neither of these young men will walk again.