Author Archives: Admin4

Canada: I Won! Making Sense Of A Jury Verdict In The Changing World Of Personal Injury Law

Once a jury renders a verdict in a motor vehicle personal injury action, unless counsel have worked together to agree prior to trial on many of the contentious issues many trial counsel turn their mind to after the battle, the post trial motion before the trial Judge can make or break a jury verdict.

Is Social Media the New Surveillance?

We tell our kids that nothing they write or say online is private. We tell them that the follies they share online could follow them into adulthood, to their detriment. We tell them to be careful what they share, and with whom, on social media. So why do so many adults not follow their own advice?

Judge lambastes Legal Aid Ontario after it foots bill for woman who married her ex-boyfriend after he suffered a ‘catastrophic’ brain injury and then spent years fighting his family in court

A woman who surreptitiously married her ex-boyfriend after he suffered a “catastrophic” brain injury spent six years fighting his family in court — paid for by Ontario’s taxpayer-funded legal aid system.

Why we don’t want private healthcare in Canada

The recent slew of mergers and acquisitions is part of a larger corporate transformation that is remaking American healthcare – for the worse.

A golden age of corporate medicine may be dawning. A slew of mergers and acquisitions looks set to transform American healthcare, drawing health insurance giants, pharmacy benefit managers, physicians’ practices, drugstores, surgical centers and “retail clinics” in pharmacies and supermarkets together into giant corporate healthcare blobs.


Re “Grits crash and burn” (James Wallace, April 16): Insurers have been telling government for years that Ontario drivers pay too much for auto insurance. And we have worked with the government on ways to reduce rates.

Is the Law Society of Ontario Still Donating to Political Parties?

At the time, the Law Society explained, in part, that “[c]ontributions are only made through the purchase of tickets to attend events hosted by the parties and/or elected politicians” and that “[t]he Law Society’s goal in participating in these events is to advance the knowledge of the government and the opposition regarding the agenda of the regulator and justice issues more broadly.”

Were injuries caused by this accident? Applicant and TD LAT 17-003356 2018 CanLII 8082

ENTITLEMENT TO BENEFITS: applicant argues that by approving initial treatment plans TD acknowledges the accident caused medical issues; insurer argues the medical conditions were caused by previous accidents;

Minor-injury cap causes controversy in Newfoundland and Labrador

The province’s automobile insurance review is attracting a number of submissions on how the system may be improved to bring down rates and provide more stability in the industry.

One of the latest to state their case is Intact Financial Corp., which operates in Newfoundland and Labrador through three brands: Anthony Insurance, Intact Insurance, and Macdonald Chisholm Trask Insurance.

The Canadian Human Rights Commission’s 2017 Annual Report to Parliament

EDITORIAL: Basic income legislation needs some work

In Halifax this weekend, the federal Liberal convention will vote on a resolution to introduce a guaranteed basic income in Canada, a concept that Ontario began testing at the provincial level last year.

A GBI resolution is a long way from a real program. But it’s worth examining early what we need to know about it.