Author Archives: Admin4

Canadian drivers ‘unsure’ how to prevent wildlife collisions

Peterborough, Ontario — November 7, 2017 — Around one in three drivers in Canada do not feel confident that they would know how to avoid a collision with a large animal, according to new research from State Farm Canada.

New WSIB Policies on Chronic and Traumatic Mental Stress Coming Into Effect

On May 17, 2017, the Ontario government passed Bill 127, Stronger, Healthier Ontario Act (Budget Measures), 2017. By amending section 13 of the Workplace Safety and Insurance Act, 1997 (“WSIA”), Bill 127 provides that workers are entitled to benefits under their insurance plan for chronic and traumatic mental stress arising out of and in the course of employment.

FSCO ruling more ‘sizzle’ than substance: Derfel

A recent Financial Services Commission of Ontario (FSCO) ruling found elements of the Minor Injury Guide (MIG) in the Statutory Accident Benefits Schedule unconstitutional, but it won’t stop it from being applied in chronic pain cases, says Toronto personal injury lawyer David Derfel.

What is Tort Law? Part One: Intentional Torts

You may have heard the term intentional tort at some point in time. If you haven’t, you’ve likely never filed a personal injury claim.

Any time you file a personal injury claim in court, you’re dealing with tort law. It’s important to understand what this branch of the law is in order to make the most out of your claim.

There are 2 types of torts in Canadian Tort Law: intentional and unintentional torts.

Expert testimony

Law Times has two stories this week that relate to expert testimony or expert witnesses.

In one, the Ontario Divisional Court upheld the dismissal of a lawyer’s claim against a handwriting expert for defamation. In Deverett Law Offices v. Pitney, lawyer Michael Deverett’s firm brought a claim against a handwriting analyst who had done work for a former client.

As number relying on disability support payments rises, province proposes $3.2B solution

There are currently 12,900 area residents collecting the support payments for those with physical or mental health issues. In his 22 years in the field Bruno Ierullo, Windsor’s executive director of employment and social services, can’t recall the number being higher — though the city doesn’t have records going back that far.

The average number of cases for 2015 was 11,974.

EDGES OF TORONTO: Like poverty, our car insurance rates divide Toronto

The map showing car insurance rates by neighbourhood is something every Torontonian should see.

It looks strikingly like maps showing Toronto’s highest concentrations of poverty.

Angry red the company uses to show highest rates covers North Etobicoke, the Jane Street corridor in North York, the former City of York, Scarborough along Eglinton Avenue and north of Hwy. 401.

Autonomous vehicles to become great disruptor for personal injury lawyers

In 2015, I wrote an article about the imminent arrival and disruptive effect of autonomous vehicles on personal injury law. Two years later, such vehicles are still not on our roads and personal injury lawyers remain employed.

Business owner’s occasional deliveries voids her insurance policy for wrecked car

A Toronto woman’s insurance claim for her totalled SUV has been denied because the company says the occasional deliveries she makes for her small company voids her policy.

“I was in shock because I didn’t think I did anything wrong,” said Adrienne Winterhelt, who was in an accident about two weeks ago on Hwy. 401 while on the way to visit a friend.

Canadian Patients And Doctors Are Sharing ‘Excruciating’ Wait Times On Twitter


“An eternity.”


These are just some of the descriptors patients and doctors across Canada are using as they reveal the wait times they’ve encountered for referrals, elective surgery, in emergency rooms, and to get a family doctor. Using the hashtag #CanadaWAITS, Canadians are shedding light on what some are calling a serious problem with the current health-care system.