Author Archives: Admin4

Monthly Peer Review Luncheon – SCI Ontario

Lerners has been a long and steady supporter of Spinal Cord Injury Ontario. One of the SCI Ontario initiatives that I personally find very informative is the monthly peer review luncheon held at Parkwood Hospital, where individuals who have recently suffered a spinal cord injury get the benefit of meeting and hearing from those who have lived with a spinal cord injury for many years.

On welfare reform, Ontario urged to ‘just do it’

Venus Carter welcomes a provincial panel’s “transformational vision” for income security that proposes to raise welfare rates and introduce new housing and health benefits for all low-income households.

But the 54-year-old North York woman who has been on Ontario Works since she was laid off from her job in a chocolate factory nine years ago, says she will be a senior before the panel’s 10-year vision is complete.

Signs and Symptoms of Brain Injury: What to Look For Before It’s Too Late

You can’t physically see a brain injury, like you can with a broken bone. If you or your loved one has recently experienced an accident, it’s extremely important that you look out for the common signs and symptoms of brain injury.

Catching a brain injury early can mean a higher chance that brain damage won’t be as severe or permanent.

Report Released: A Roadmap for Change

A new report called “Income Security: A Roadmap for Change” has just been released by the provincial government.

The Roadmap was written by three groups that were appointed by the Minister of Community and Social Services (MCSS) in 2016 to give advice to the government on how to reform Ontario’s income security system.

Income Security Advocacy Centre

Perception of p.i. lawyers not helped by this perennial question

“I’ve been hurt in a car accident caused by another driver; what damages can I sue for?”

This question was part of a long and certainly very expensive ad in the Waterloo Record by a personal injury lawyer.

Documentation vital following an accident

Anyone involved in an accident needs to collect as much information as they can before going to a lawyer, Toronto personal injury and employment lawyer Kevin Marshall tells

“The first step is to see the family doctor and explain what happened in the accident,” says Marshall. “Taking care of your health is the top priority.”

The court backlog and the financial impact on plaintiffs

With the backlog in Ontario civil courts, personal injury plaintiffs have to wait longer for their cases to be processed, putting a growing number of them in financial hardship, says Easy Legal Finance Inc. president and CEO Larry Herscu.

“I don’t think people realize how long it takes for cases to be heard in the court system, and the financial impact this is having on them,” he tells

Credibility and Failure to Provide Evidence Of How is Changed Results in Denial of NEBs – MH and Certas 16-003657 v Certas Direct Insurance Company, 2017 CanLII 59506 (ON LAT)

NEBs: applicant fails to show that pre-accident life is significantly altered to qualify for NEBs; applicant does show that chiropractic treatment is reasonable an necessary; applicant suffers from credibility issues

M.H. was injured in a car accident on July 3, 2014 and applied for SABs. When the application was denied she applied to the LAT for dispute resolution.

How to avoid four common causes of car accidents

Car insurance can help drivers handle expenses from an accident, such as car repairs. Being a safe driver is what vehicle owners can do to potentially steer away from accidents happening in the first place. Here are four common causes of car accidents and how safe driving can help to avoid them.