Author Archives: Admin4

EDITORIAL: Liberal election platform already failing Ontarians

The problem with cooking up pre-election promises you have neither the money nor intention of keeping is those promises rapidly fall apart after the election.

Kathleen Wynne’s broken promise in 2013 to cut auto premiums by 15% or Dalton McGuinty’s 2003 broken promise to cut rates by 10%, by way of example.

Take Notice: There is no time for Notice

As Ontario’s auto insurance industry was waiting anxiously, the Court of Appeal for Ontario released an interesting decision on priority dispute notices to claimants.

In Dominion v. Unifund, an accident benefits claimant was not notified of the priority dispute between the insurers until after arbitration proceedings had been commenced. The issue was whether the late notice to the claimant precluded the appellant from contesting its liability to pay SABS and from proceeding with the arbitration.

The truck driver who nearly killed me got away with a $125 fine

On a sunny Saturday last October, I set out for a 120-kilometre bicycle ride from just north of Toronto to meet my fiancée and the rest of my cycling team near Midland, Ont. I have been a competitive cyclist since the age of 14, so this was a typical recreational ride for me. To avoid the danger of faster-moving traffic on highways and arterial roads, I had carefully planned a route that was mostly on quiet country roads. But despite my best efforts, I could not have predicted or prevented the tragic crash that was about to occur.

Is Car Insurance About to Get Cheaper in Brampton?

It’s no secret that Brampton is notorious for having sky-high car insurance rates. In fact, we have the highest car insurance rates in Ontario. Now, Ontario drivers could see car insurance rates start to cool down.

Assessing Credibility in a World of Surveillance

In the course of an auto claim, claimants will often be required to visit a host of treating doctors and assessors over different points in time. Often times, these doctors and assessors will generate notes, records or reports that may be used as evidence later in the case.

Applicant Entitled to Some Treatment Plans and Medical Expenses But Fails to Make Case for Rest – KA and Aviva LAT 17-002023 2018 CanLII 8086

KA was injured in a car accident on March 20, 2015 and sustained a number of injuries as a result. She applied to Aviva pursuant to the Schedule. KA initially sought to receive a number of benefits including IRBs, ACBs and several medical benefits.

Using psychology to turn leads into clients

Understanding the way people think is the key to persuasion. There are many mental triggers that can be influential when trying to get someone to think like you or, in this case, hire your law firm for an upcoming case. Have you thought about using simple human psychology to help turn potential clients into actual clients?

Two factors that may be contributing to ICBC’s poor fiscal performance

The combination of an unfriendly environment and “misguided provincial government policies” have contributed to the Insurance Corporation of British Columbia’s (ICBC) dismal financial performance, the Fraser Institute said in a new report.

WALLACE: Biggest fraud in auto insurance is Liberal promise to lower rates

Since 2003, Ontario Liberal leaders have repeatedly promised to lower the province’s punishing auto insurance premiums and deal with fraud partially responsible for driving up rates.

And they’ve repeatedly broken those promises.

Statement from the Minister of Finance on Auto Insurance

Today, Charles Sousa, Minister of Finance, issued the following statement:

Our priority is to make auto insurance more affordable, address fraud in the system, and put victims first by providing better access to care for those injured in auto collisions.